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The exchange is now closed. To all of our participants I will be working on matching each of you up. Please check your inbox by this afternoon. I will certainly have it done by 1pm pacific time.

My goal will be to match you up so that you are in different regions of the country, and so that you don't get someone you had last exchange. These two factors alone, plus your locations may end up having a few of you in neighboring states. Even so, I know you all will be creative in your selections, either homemade, store bought, or competition products. Have fun and enjoy the exchange!
Your recipients are...In your inbox! Please remember to ship by May 12th. Don't forget to take pictures and post in the new forum discussion topic labeled results.

Any questions or issues please private message me. I will be happy to ask your recipients for their shirt sizes or other questions you might have if you want to remain annonymous until you ship.

Please check your inbox daily for the next couple of weeks in case there are questions that you need to answer like shirt size etc. Also, please let me know of any delays in your shipment. Have fun, and as always...this has been my pleasure. I really enjoy the work.

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