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After some thoughtful studying, I've come to the conclusion that I must be "G" on the map.

I don't quite think folks understand all the rubs and sauces made in my area? We can do this every 3-4 months and I can send a different one for the next 20yrs, oh well!

As you can tell, I'm getting excited about sharing and receiving!
Originally posted by Padrefan98:
Just a bump for the weekend. Please join us. You won't regret it.

Think we could make this an official contest, so if perhaps my sauce wins for best bottle or something, I can then say award winning sauce? Just a thought, maybe even say endorsed by Cal, Pags, Smokin, or somebody. Another incentive to sign up!
Originally posted by SteveChris10sen:
Can folks weigh in on portion sizes they are planning to send, specifically related to rubs? Sauces sizes, I'm not concerned with. Again, this is a great idea. Looking forward to showing someone all the great BBQ options available in Chicago.

I will be sending smaller size containers preferring to send samples of many things rather than a lot of a few things.
I'll be sending a couple local sauces, couple homemade rubs that I use all the time, a commercial rub and maybe a homemade sauce. Everyone goes nuts over the homemade sauce except me, I think it's average.

But it's really up to you, send out stuff that YOU like, whether it's a bunch of small items or a few large items.
Originally posted by cal:

Just wanted to say THANKS for putting this together and doing all the leg work, it was kind of you!

I've always believed if you snooze you loose, so anyone wanting to join the fun better stand up and be counted cause time is running out!

You're welcome Cal. I am really excited that it's generated so much interest. I know everyone is going to put a lot of effort into thier boxes. And this is going to be a lot of fun over the next couple of weeks. The fun part extends further. Not everything will get used up right away. It might be a discussion topic for weeks to come as people try the different items.
Originally posted by Cook One:
Originally posted by Padrefan98:
Did someone say they wanted some more representation from the Carolina's? Ask and you shall receive. Welcome aboard Joe!

Running out of time guys. if you don't sign up, think of all the trash talk you are going to miss participating in over the next several weeks

And think about all the new "Q" related products and tastes you'll be missing if you don't join us? Here's a chance to broaden your "Q" horizon while broadening someone else's.
Originally posted by Padrefan98:
haha! That's true. I think it will work out.


Any system you use to swap packages among folks will work out fine. We're all friends here, and the chance to share something we like with one of our friends, and for them to share with us, is a wonderful opportunity.

Thanks for coming up with the idea and for all your effort in making it happen.

Thanks Gary! And now the fun begins.

We are officially closed with 21 participants. I think that's a pretty good turnout for this type of event. I thank all of you for joining! I reiterate what many of you have already said. Have fun! Enjoy your shopping, cooking, preparing, waiting, opening, and discussion!

I stated that the addresses would be PM'd on the 10th. I do believe I might start today so please keep an eye out for your Private Message.

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