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OK folks one more set of questions and I’m done.

As I’m sure you know by now I’m just a backyard hacker with 99% of my cooking going towards dinner for one or two.

So now as I think through a FEC vs my 008 and pellet grill, I’m wondering if the FEC might be too big and dry if cooking just one rack of ribs, or one yard bird, or one pork but, or one brisket, etc.

Can I control the lack of humidity (due to the small load) by spraying?

Certainly foil might be a solution but then it’s just braising or steaming within the cooker.

What do you all think?

Is a FEC-100 just too big for one or two?
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Are you planning larger cooks to help justify the FEC-100? For me that was the key. I have a Traeger Lil Tex that produces great ribs, birds, or pork butts. If I was only cooking for one or two people it would probably be way overkill to have an FEC-100, especially considering what you already have at your disposal.

Here's an example for you. It is just after midnight, and I just started 2 pork butts on my FEC-100. I have 3 racks of spares to start tomorrow at noon. The butts may or may not be done at the time I need to put in the spares. No worries on the FEC-100, because I've got 3 more empty racks right now. If I were using the Traeger, I might be a bit more concerned because the butts would definitely need to be off before starting the ribs, let alone the issue of getting 3 racks of spares on a non-modified Lil Tex. So, while I very much like and endorse the Traeger, I still purchased an FEC-100 for the larger capacity. Now that I have it, I'll still use it when smoking for one or two people because it is very efficient with pellet usage.
I never cook one rack of rib or yardbird or even sometimes pork butt. My Elite is small but I'll smoke 3 or 4 racks of ribs, a couple birds, or 2 butts for me and the Mrs. We eat, and I freeze the remainder for later meals using a Foodsaver.

The FE seems quite large if you're only doing one rack at a time. However, from what I've read here, the FE will probably give you more smoke flavoring than the Cookshack. Something to consider.
Are you still looking, is that why you're asking?

If it's for that small, I'd stay with what you have. However, they'll work fine for small loads, I do them many times. It's a "drier" cooker then the 008, but not dry by any means, more of a traditional offset cooker environment.

Works fine, big or small, but think about the economy. If you're always doing small loads like that, just do them on something smaller.
Yup I'm still lookin (it's a big investment for me) and I'm about to pull the trigger. I just want to be sure I'm going into this with my eyes open and my head on straight and mot me listening to my heart :-)

The FEC is appealing because of it's temp range over the 008 and I don't have to cut up ribs or fold briskets.

The FEC is appealing over my pellet grill as it is insulated AND I can cook in the rain. This spring we might have had 6 days / nights in two months that it didn't rain. Did I say snow, well you get the picture.
Well, there is just the two of us here and I have cooked one of just about everything mentioned. I just put in a small batch of wings(25) for me to pick over the weekend and the next few days.I will probably do a pork roast tomorrow(about 5lbs) for my sandwiches this week. So,go ahead if you bought it have fun with it. It is after all a lot cheaper and much more tastier than useing your oven.Rob
Last edited by novascotiarob
I just did my first cook yesterday on my new FE. 2 racks on loinback ribs and some mini bell peppers stuffed with cheese. Hands down - the BEST ribs I've ever tasted. No moisture problem unless you're counting the drool going down my chin as I was eating! Cool 225 degrees for 6:30 by the way - peppers were on for the last hour or so.
Tuesday I cooked one beer butt chicken. I will cook one pork butt. I will cook a couple of sausages. But when I have friends over, I can cook appetizers, main meal and dessert. It is very economical to run. Like I said before, once you get it, you won't know how you got along without it. Once you get it, you will have "new friends" stopping by just about time the food is done. Remember after it's paid for, you will forget about the price quickly. And you never need water pans or foil. The pit is tight and holds the moisture from the meat inside the pit.

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