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On half I used the Cookshack Rib Rub and half had the BRITU. I had way to many for the Smokette so started up the WSM and put half of each batch in it. WSM was kept at 225-235 on the top shelf and the Smokette was set at 200 ( this one runs hot actually averages about 235 when set on 200). The color difference was obvious before applying any finishing sauces. I used 3oz of hickory in the Smokette and three chunks a little bigger than golfball size of hickory in the WSM.
Interesting question, haven't heard this one before so it will be go to look into this.

3 ozs maybe also be too much.

There appears to be, sometimes, for some people four possibilities.

1. Not enough smoke
2. Perfect amount of smoke
3. Too much smoke create the darker color
4. Too much smoker creating bitterness.

I think Jim is right also, the air movement in the CS vs. the other. That 3 ozs. is a lot in a little space. Might be interesting to try the experiment without any smoke just to see what the color is.
Noticed the darkness of my ribs as well.

I have slowly cut a small amount off of the 2oz(+) CS wood chunk during my last three smokes. It wasn't until I reduced by a quarter before I lost the dark brown look on the ribs.

The "smokey" taste didn't change all that much either. Of course, everyone's level of "smoke taste" is diferent.

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