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After having successful smokes with pork butts, and ribs, decided to step up and do a brisket.

Bought an 8 lb brisket from a local butcher shop. Prepared the brisket using the recipe posted “Incredible Brisket Recipe”.

Marinated it over night and placed it in the smoker at 6 AM. Set the smoker for 225 degF, with 3 oz. of hickory. At 5:30 PM the internal temp was 190 degF. Removed the brisket, placed it foil added the finishing sauce and placed in the smoker, set for 150 degF.

After an hour removed the brisket from the smoker and wrapped the foiled brisket in a towel, waiting for company to arrive.

Everyone loved the brisket. Very juicy and the bark was delicious.

After reviewing the recipe, it did not specify how to place it in the smoker (i.e. fat side up or down). I placed it on the smoker shelf with the fat side down. Is there a preferred method?

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Would a CS 009 be a smoker that you would prefer the fat side down? I have always cooked my with fat side up so the fat could render and drip through the meat. However, I can see the perhaps with the heat underneath it might keep the fat on the downside might help keep the meat from drying out.

FWIW, I have never had a dry brisket with my 009 and the fat side up. However, I might try it the other way on my next brisket.
Not Smokin',but in the old days,when we cooked a lot on 008/009 s,we cooked with the fat up,especially on the top shelf-where heat rises.

Fat down,over the woodbox.

Don't think you can go too far wrong,either way.

You will have fine brisket,if you stick with Smokin's Brisket 101,and ignore all the tricks,and ways to make potroast in a smoker.
Like folks say,you can put that other recipe in your crockpot,or pressure cooker,shred it and eat it over sticky rice with chopsticks.

You guests will all think it is fall apart tender and tasty.

Now,if no one knows the difference between that and the real taste and texture of a brisket,the cook is "the bbq man".

Now,if they have actually eaten a smoked brisket,from a brisket cook,they hopefully will be real quiet in their response. Smiler

Knowing ,most of the folks that follow the forum want to actually be"a bbq cook",that is what why try to help with.

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