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I finally had time to fire up the 120. I went to Sam's Club and picked up some spare's, a brisket flat and some 2" Thick lamb chops. Seasoned smoker for a few hrs while prepared the meat. I've spent the last 18 months and a lot of cash on learning my offset smoker. I trimmed the spare's to SL cut and made rib tips from scraps. Placed lamb chops on top rack with rib tips, two slabs of ribs below and the flat under that. Set temp 180 for 2hrs then 275. @180 pit temp was around 198 and when i bumped it up to 275 temp bounced to around 318 so i lowered it to 250 after while it settled @258 is this normal ? Took the tips and chops off after 1st 3hrs chops were great tender and moist. the ribs where looking a little dry so i spritzed with AJ. At the 4 hr mark I removed the ribs not quite where i wanted them so I decided to foil one and spritz the other to return to smoker. The foiled rib turned out better in the end. The brisket flat turned out fine removed @ 203 I T. Trying to find out the best way to do these ribs without foiling. I bought the 120 to do festivals and events. cooking a lot of ribs foiling isn't an option.
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I've had my 120 for 8 months. Awesome smoker. I have noticed temp swings for the first 20-30 minutes right after I change the temp settings during 2-stage smoking. No big deal, however my temp swings have never been by more than 4* to 6* before the smoker "settles in". I will say that I did get big temp swings when I did my initial 3-4 smokes. Called Bill at Cookshack and described what I was witnessing. Bill shipped me a new controller. Installed it and shipped the old one back. That did the trick for me. Been smoking sweet ever since.
I use the same temp settings (180* then 275*) during 2-stage smoking that you use, however I vary the times depending on what I'm smoking. I also use IT test, but only as a gauge. I complete my check using the "toothpick check" as a final determinant for done-ness. I do not foil/towel any of my products, but I do put finished product into a cooler until I'm ready to serve.
Enjoy! Razzer

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