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Been reading several of your comments on jerky. I am trying a batch and hope to accomplish my first "successful" edible jerky. Using HMJ Original blend.

How thick are you slicing your meat? I am going for 1/4 inch this time.

You use 180˚ for three hours. If I am doing less than a full load will the time vary? Probably will be doing in the neighborhood of 3 lbs.

You said that you have been curing for much longer times than reccommended by High Mountain. Is longer better? HM reccommends 28 hr (24 hrs minimum).

Any suggestions (from anyone) appreciated. I want some good homemade jerky. Buying from the store is EXPENSIVE and it's difficult to fine consistently good jerky!

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In fact the batch we did Sunday was approx 3-3.5 lbs. We used 4 oz of hickory and 2 oz of cherry and went with the door closed for 3hrs on the button. Came out great.

Far as thickness of meat is concerend, we bought the slicing board and jerky knife from HiMountain. It board has two thicknesses available (1/4 & 3/8 inch) We only use the 1/4 cause we like our jerky thin. We have only cured for 24 hours and it seems to come out pretty darn good every time but we'd like to hear more from folks who are curing longer.
I have found three keys to making the best jerky ever.

#1 - use quality cuts of meat. I use only flank steak. (a little expensive, but well worth it) I cut it across the grain. This makes a very tender piece of jerky.

#2 - I use the Hi Mountain seasoning mixes. This cures the meat without a marinade and gives you the versitility of many different flavors to suit a variety of tastes. My personal favorite is the sweet and spicy. Be sure you cure the meat at least 24 hours. My last batch I actually went 48 hours and didn't notice any difference.

#3 I use the basic Q-Dogg method. I hang my pieces on homemade jerky rods. 10-12 pieces per rod and 6 rods per load. this allows me to smoke about 60+ pieces per load. I use the 2 hours door cracked, 2 hours closed, 1 hour cracked, 1 hour closed. This six hour process works great at 225 degrees.

This process has worked with great results for me. I have given many packs to friends, family, and clients and never a bad comment. The most common response is that it was the best jerky they have ever had.

Hope this helps.
Wheelz, you do it just like the instruction sheet states.

I also use 1/4" and my favorite is the sweet and spicy.

If you set the control on 1 blonde hair less than 200*, go a good 2 hours with the door closed before checking it. My Smokette runs a little cool, your ST might run hot?

I find if I load the woodbox with wood and preheat for 15 minutes or so, I get lots better results. My theory is the beaucoup smoke helps drying. Jerky is great with extra smoke on it.

I also use the SS rods and I try to load the Smokette up full, usually 6 crowded rods hung from the very top.

Yes, I find the longer curing times give lots better flavor. I have let venison and beef stay in the fridge for upwards of 60 hours. I flip the containers daily. (don't know why)

Experiment. (you knew that) You will love the homemade jerky way better than storebought, hide it from the friends and family, and crave it often.

GLH - Thanks for the info and encouragement!

I don't care for sweet jerky. My tastebuds are set for plain ol' hickory-cured beef, a little to the salty side.

Several (in other threads) have mentioned pre-heating the smoker so I will go with that advice. And "yes," my ST does run a tad hot.

Plan is (for now anyway) to run half my load with the "closed door" method today and try the Q-dogg method tomorrow. Taste/flavor may be a bit different as tomorrow's batch will have been in the cure 24 hrs longer. Right now I am looking for texture.

I'll post results & comments. Big Grin
It's 9:40 pm & I just pulled the first batch (GLH method) and the jerky is really good! My ST is running a little hot (decided to measure the temp at about the 2:15 mark) averaging about 190-200. Pulled it out at the 2:45 mark and all is well.

I am laying it on paper towel (layered 3 tiers high) to absorb the oily spots. May vacuum seal some tomorrow if I don't eat it all first Smiler

How long will this stuff keep vac sealed not refigerated? Refrigerated?

Will the flavor be inhanced in any way as it sits ovet night? Used about 3 oz hickory.

Not knocking the Q-dogg method at all but - why go thru all that opening and closing the door when three hours at 180˚ works great?

All coments on everything above welcome and appreciated!

Thanks to all!!! Big Grin
Last edited by wheelz
Good job Wheelz!

I find the flavor is muchly enhanced by sealing in a ziplock and putting in the fridge overnight. The smoke is especially enhanced.

To each his own on the method. My smokette just seems to rid itself of the excess moisture if left alone long enough, low enough. I also think the more smoke produced, the more moisture is displaced both out the smoke hole and dripping out the bottom.

Too bad you didn't post pics!

Second batch as good as the first. Good stuff! Easy to do too.

Took some to the church potluck yesterday & already got requests for more. One guy says "You ought to sell this stuff!" Only complaint was that I don't do "heat" and several of the guys would prefer the hot stuff.

Sometimes it doesn't pay to share Wink (Kidding!)
I agree with the jerky being put in the ziplock and refrigerate for a couple hours before vac sealing.To me it keeps the little pieces of fat from going rancid too soon.Awful taste when that happens!But being vac sealed after refrigeration,jerky has been good left in a drawer for 4 months for me.I am soon to try my own seasoning,making ground beef jerky and hoping it turns out ok!

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