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Well Russ and I setup next to each other at Anthony this weekend and had a blast. lots of ribbing for what was going to go North and what would head South. Well he won our little corner area, and he did beat me in the overalls by 5 points.

I had him in Chicken and Ribs, and he took me in Pork and Brisket, but it was damn close.

SO to make him feel better I gave him my 2nd place peoples choice ribbon Big Grin (they screwed up, he won it, but they called my name Confused )
Original Post
Sorry I didn't post sooner, had to travel to Washingington DC Sunday, no time for the internet stuff Frowner

Interesting event, thanks for posting Christian. When they announced your name, I was trying to figure out how you won 2nd in People's Choice with ZERO (that's 0 for you folks in Kansas) votes. Well you did have 2, but you shared those with both of us.

Actually it was over 5 points Big Grin

No, I'd have to say, whupping up on those Kansas Boys and bring home the title of KING OF THE CORNER meant as much to me as 6th place -- 5 points or not. And considering the other part of the corner took 1st at Wichita when I took 4th was a great little bit of "revenge".

We had a blast, thanks to Christians use of the RV, Tom's team giving me a really hard time as someone from Oklahoma. And for the fact that I was a one man team almost beating that 40 man team (well, almost 40) in People's Choice, was a grand time.

Another learning experience behind me now.

Looking forward to the next event. If we can just get those Kansas boys to come south of the border.

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