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First off I have had my CS for about 3 months. Ever since I have been in search of a good source of BB Packers in Orange County, California. Has not been easy.

Costo just has flats, (for $3.49 a pound) same with Sams, Smart and Final has packers but only in select. I did find them at a local butcher but over $4 a pound.

So yesterday I came across Restaurant Depot and found as much of Brisket Heaven as you are going to find in Orange County. Picked up a Choice Packer for $1.98 a pound. They also had PB for $1.39 a pound and almost down to a $1 a pound by the case.

Not the best photo as it seems like they are picked over. Right behind me was a stack of them sitting on cases. I had about 30 to choose from.

Ended up with this beauty. 16.5 pounds!

So anyway my first try at Brisket was a flat that turned out pretty good if you can believe it. Second swing was a 13# packer that just did not turn out good at all. VERY dry. Almost like a dry layer of crust had formed over the flat.

So I have been doing even more homework and think I have an idea on how I am going to approach this bad boy.

I hope to throw it in Thursday for Friday evening or Friday for Saturday afternoon.

Wish me luck!!
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Yeah I agree. That was actually a bad spot to take a photo. (only one section, the rest was much better) Keep in mind the meat case is in a huge refrigerator I think the case works as just a rack to hold them on. (I also did my share of moving things around)

So their briskets are marked "Angus" beef. I have pretty much heard (maybe read here) that is more of a marketing ploy than a real increase in quality. Thought?
Let me point one thing out that I see about the brisket for your future reference. From your picture, it looks as the cryovac on the brisket may have been compromised. In other words, air has gotten inside the cryovac with the meat. And air with meat starts the degrading process on meat. Depending on how old the the brisket is or how long has been in the cryovac, you may have a brisket that is bad.

I strongly suggest you open the cryovac and check the smell on the meat. A little off odor is not bad. But a lot can indicate a bad piece of meat.

If the meat is bad, take it back to RD and get a replacement. They should not have any problem giving you a replacement.

In the future, you want to look for a brisket with, ideally, no air inside the cryovac. Once you gain some more experience with the selection process of briskets, and for that matter and other meats, you may be able to take one with a little air in the pack when you know how old the brisket is or when it was packaged.

Cryovaced meat should not have any air inside the package. But due to how the meat is thrown around and abused in the delivery process, the cryovac can be broken. I've seen meat dept. employees bring out a case of briskets on their shoulder and just drop it on the floor. Guess what that did for the cryovacs!

thanks for that information. I am going to check it out. I am trying to remember if most/all of them were similar. I am pretty sure if it was the only one lose I would have noticed and passed. (but then again maybe not! LOL)


They are not too far away. I think I am going to drop in there today.

But great information. Rookie mistake!

EDIT: Looking at it closer I am sure you are right. I am not even going to open it to smell it, just return and try again! Thanks again!

LOL Off to a great start! LOL
Originally posted by SmokinOkie:
Originally posted by BonoVox:
.. Almost like a dry layer of crust had formed over the flat.

We would call that bark, and most places known for their brisket also have a good,crusty bark.

But you don't have to have it, but a lot of flavor is in that bark.

Seemed like more of a layer of beef jerky. (pretty thick) Hard to explain. (I did use a couple of brickets in the box though) I will be sure to take lots of photos and document this one better.

Thanks for the replies!
Originally posted by Pags:
Good observation on the cryovac John. Didn't notice it. But the blood running down the meat case would have alerted me to check to make sure the one I got was in good condition.

Yeah I was too busy checking the thickness of the flats to really do the whole once over. Lesson learned. (what is strange is there is no leakage from it that I have noticed and there is still blood in there) But it is definitly been compromised as it is NOT airtight.

Anyway heading over there shortly. This works out good because I want to pick up some tools of the trade while I am there anyway.

UPDATE: They took it back no questions asked! I picked a 16# that looks even better! So that piece of drama is out of the way. Thanks again John.
Last edited by Former Member
If you can "move" the plastic of the cryovac, don't buy it. There should be a solid seal and no air under the plastic.

When you see one with a leak, you'll be able to tell.

Just grasp the plastic with your finger, if it separates easily from the meat that means there is air in there.

air in a cryo is bad as John said.

It's nice to hear that you have found a nice place to find some packers. As you cook, you will come to find out that while a even flat is sooo nice, the marbling in the flat is of more concern to me.

My wife would just roll her eyes when I started looking,feeling, playing with all the packers...but NO more, she has learned as I have. Some choice packers are just better than others. It is nice to have a CS, because they can take a old tuff cow and make a decent meal out of it.

Wrap that brisket in double foil and let rest in a cooler for a while and see if that does't help that dry bark. Make sure you keep good notes on ALL your brisket cooks.
Originally posted by SmokinOkie:
Originally posted by BonoVox:
.. Almost like a dry layer of crust had formed over the flat.

We would call that bark, and most places known for their brisket also have a good,crusty bark.

But you don't have to have it, but a lot of flavor is in that bark.

Burnt Ends rock! Can't believe places used to throw them out or give them away for free!
Last edited by Former Member

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