First off I have had my CS for about 3 months. Ever since I have been in search of a good source of BB Packers in Orange County, California. Has not been easy.
Costo just has flats, (for $3.49 a pound) same with Sams, Smart and Final has packers but only in select. I did find them at a local butcher but over $4 a pound.
So yesterday I came across Restaurant Depot and found as much of Brisket Heaven as you are going to find in Orange County. Picked up a Choice Packer for $1.98 a pound. They also had PB for $1.39 a pound and almost down to a $1 a pound by the case.
Not the best photo as it seems like they are picked over. Right behind me was a stack of them sitting on cases. I had about 30 to choose from.
Ended up with this beauty. 16.5 pounds!
So anyway my first try at Brisket was a flat that turned out pretty good if you can believe it. Second swing was a 13# packer that just did not turn out good at all. VERY dry. Almost like a dry layer of crust had formed over the flat.
So I have been doing even more homework and think I have an idea on how I am going to approach this bad boy.
I hope to throw it in Thursday for Friday evening or Friday for Saturday afternoon.
Wish me luck!!
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