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Hello all!

How long can you keep SmokinOkie's sauce in the frig? I just made a batch of the Virgin Mustard and aslo a batch of finishing sauce. One last question..I'm going to a party tomorrow with a 8 lb butt and want to put it in a crock pot when I get there pulled. I just want to keep it warm as people swim drink etc. How much of the finishing sauce do you recomend putting in the pot?

Thanks and Happy Fathers Day!
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Everyone LOVED the finishing sauce that I poured on the pulled pork ..about one cup for the 8lb butt. Everyone at the party that had tried my pork before agreed this was the best. I mopped it at 170 deg with about a cup and foiled it at the same time after about 9 hours (Smokette 009 running 250 deg setting). Unfoiled it at 185 to crisp up the bark total about 14 hours to get to 195 deg internal. Also served the Mustard Sauce which was a big hit with the finishing suace on the side (had a bottle of Jack Daniels BBQ Suace for the diehards). Great Recipes and I tend to use the Finishing Sauce from here on out on my pulled pork!

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