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My name is Jeff from West Des Moines, Iowa. I've been a CS owner for about 6 months or so. I've been lurking about the forum ever since but just recently joined. I've become almost obsessive about Q since buying the CS Smokette. I use mine at least once a week. I look at this forum as a support group for Q-aholics.....
I'm Ray 'teller from the "Deep Creek" section of Chesapeake, Va. I retired 4/2/01 from the IBEW (43 years) and Ford Motor co (30 years. I started @ FORD as an Electrician and worked the last 12 years as a Safety Engineer.
I've been lurking on this site for about 3 yrs. Really impressed with all the assistance that you guys (& Gals) offer. I made my mind up last year that the only smoker for me would be a Cookshack, but never could justify the Cost.
This past Friday ( my 64 th B-day) I stopped in a local pool & Hot tub dealer. They were closing out on their Grill section. They had a slightly used 008 model for $400.00. I went home, and after some thought, called them back and asked if they would take $350 for it. After discussion w/the owner they called & said "come get it. Cleaned it & it looks brand new! Hope to go to BJ's tomorrow & get smokin shortly.

My Nickname is Mango
My home is on the Island of Maui, married 15 Years, occupation chief building engineer (read Mr. fit-it) I have lived on Maui 19 Years grew up in San Francisco.

I like to woodwork, snorkel/dive spearfish BBQ, cook and not cook insert Sashimi; you can find me in our Institute�s kitchen watching the Chefs work. Tumbling product marinating and smoking in their double pot lil smokehouse. They told me I was an idiot for buying a smoker when they have one here just two floors down I can use anytime.

We {wife and I} bought an electric bullet 5 Years ago; I have used it 5 times. My boss is a resident as well and I know he would frown on gas or fire on our Lanai. Even though it is 6� concrete all around (he�s weird Smiler ) Well I was wrong he frowned on the electric too actually the smoke. He lives 5 floors up and he did not like it. He rules period.

Well He retires July and I am going to celebrate with a new BETTER smoker.
I am in the process of purchasing a smoker and CookShack is the model I have decided on.

The price of the Cookshack smokers is a little hard to handle at first but all the talk and loyalty sold me (been looking at the site about 1.5 years even received literature 1.5 years ago and 1 Month ago. When I finally decided FINE! Now do I need the 008 or the 50 that was! my last hurdle, I really did not want to sell myself short on the 008 when it came to capacity. Up until 3 weeks ago that was my "only� dilemma.

However! Yet another dilemma, No its not the shipping of the smoker, I assume it does not arrive in a plain wrapper. I had a friend agree that I could ship it to his residence. To avoid suspicion on my bosses part J

It is the fact that Smoke Shack has developed the end all of all smokers the Ron popeil version of set it and forget it. For a beginner that is such a selling point into the mystery of perfect smoking. It has almost removed all the fear of it.

. Sheesh okay I swallowed possibly $800.00 for a smoker to now a possible $1,500.00 and a very upset wife. Eeker Cannot life be just be a wee bit less stressful, you know! Two Months if you just could have waited two Months to announce the birth of a new smoker Big Grin

I have entered the contest so I shall manage to wait a little while longer to know the results.

I have read almost all the posts in all the folders concerning the CS models back to July 1, 2001 great information and mouth-watering recipes. Learned a lot and seen pictures of the 008 and 50 loaded. Many of my questions have been answered and recent e-mails have answered a few others.

Being a person whom purchased a Unisaw and a very large 16� band saw. Decided the 50 is overkill I mean the right option (If and only if I decide not to go for it the new no name model you know the larger better equipped new model (thanks again) what�s life without indecision and stress.

Thanks for reading the very long first post, if you spread it out over 1.5 years it is not all that long.


One I did not find covered.

Can you cold smoke meats [rib eyes, burgers store bought dogs & sausage�s] for black skillet cooking? If yes how do you do it?

& Aloha Ke Akua
Hi all, I am HYPNOCHUCK, I am a professional national and international entertainer (Hypnotist)I just returned fron Japan and Saudi Arabia here I was entertaining U.S. Military Troops, (a very Great honor for me)
I have been smoking for a couple of years but only with charcoal and wood,
I wanted an electric smoker and after much research I purchased the CS 55 just the day befor yesterday, it isnow in transit to my home in San Diego, and will arrive on May 11,05.

I found this forum and have been reading it almost non=stop for two days. There is SOOOOO much info here it is unbelievable. I hope to become friend with many of you in the future.
You can see my web page at
if the board allows me to post my site
I am axniously awaiting the arrival of my CS 55
Best to all, HypnoChuck
Hello! My name is Mike. I live in southern Illinois the land of no oportunity! We have great fishing, camping and of course good BBQ! But no jobs! I have been a advid BBQer/Smoker for over 35 years. Best hobby in the world. I just bought a SM008 to give her a try. I have been a member for a short time but man is their a lot of fine people on this site. A great informational base too. Thanks for letting me join in the BBQ games!
Hi all John from southeastern Ohio. Iv'e been thinking about a CS for a couple years have had an electric smoker for a while but finaly took the plunge and ordered an 008 that I just received last week. So far have done a shoulder,jerky and a brisket. They all turned out excellent. The brisket just came of last night and it was the best I've ever had. I'm hooked!!!!
I'm Steve from Ames, Iowa. I got my CS 008 about 2 1/2 weeks ago from Cabelas. I bought it because I never have time to tend a fire anymore. I figured what good is a smoker which never gets used. Now I can try different stuff without having to commit an entire day to the process. Now I spend all day and night on the internet checking out recipies and getting advice. My wife thinks I'm surfing for porn. It might be because when she asked what I was doing I told her I was looking at some "big racks" and "nice butts." Do you think I should have told her it was all BBQ?????

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