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I am Gerry Printz. Got the Cookshack 055 a couple of weeks ago. So far, everything has been great. Tonight, I smoked 25 burgers - everyone agreee they were much better than the burgers I smoked on my old Brinkman offset (Smokin' Pit Professional). Will be trying my first shoulders this coming week.
I was going to get a new offset and started reading about the Cookshack. Was leery of not using massive amounts of wood (and electricity), but I am a believer now. I only used 1.1 oz. of wood for the burgers!!!!
Hey,JR here,
I don't get on the Forum much but have 2 106's. I will never have anything else. I can't figure out why anyone would ever want anything else. I work for Southwest Airlines and have a catering business on the side, so now you know why I don't have much time to get on the Forum.
This weekend I am cooking: 5 Brisket, 2 Butts, 3 Racks of Spare Ribs, 1 pork loin, 2 salmon, and about 50 or 60 chicken breast/thighs, for a little demo on Brining,Rubs,and Marinating at my church. I love cooking BBQ, but most of all I love to see people eating and enjoying themselves. I have been a member of the fourm since it's conseption and have learned more than I can tell you in this post. Okie,Stewart,Donna, and John Shiflett are tops in the business, and have alway treated me as if I was there best customer. For me that's what it's all about, Customer Service and a good product, Cook Shack has it all. Thank you Guys and all of you on the Fourm who have given me so much.
See Ya'll around the forum
Later JR
My name is Fred from Kansas City. I�ve been a 55 owner for about 2 months.
Cookshack and the Form are great!
Big Grin With the help of my Cookshack and the Form My Q keeps getting better, easier and Predictable. This is a great giving group of people.
I�ve been lurking, but plan to contribute to the form also.
This form is like a big barbecue revival where people spill the beans of their great barbecue secrets. Razzer
I'm CTSmoke. I'm a professional attorney and amateur magician and cook.

I'm also a Q'-o-holic.

I don't own a CS cooker yet, but I will soon. I've done barbecue on a lot of different rigs, and I'm looking forward to one that won't set my deck on fire or require me to forsake sweet, sweet sleep for fire tending duties.
Kid coulson is my name and 327 lbs is my game.
Yes, I like to eat.Brisket here in Grandville,MI
at bbq place is over 14bucks a pound.So about 2
months ago I ordered my own smoker(008).
Going pretty good,still learning.Not quite as
tasty as famous Daves,but Im in the ball park.
Good eats everyone!
Hi all. My name is Reid and I am originally from Philly and currently reside just outside of DC in Virginia. I have been grilling and smoking for 35+ years on everything from tire rims to TEC's to Brinkman's. I have had a 55 now for several months and love it... perfect Q, no hassle and to a certain degree fail safe.

I have done all the standard Q but have really been impressed by the lox I have been able to make with the cold smoking unit. It has been a great hit with the friends!

I fiddle with lots of things and enjoy wine, bourbon and Havana's. Great to be here!
I live in Joplin Missouri and have been q' ing for a while now for fun. during football season we tailgate at Pittsburg State University. (GO GORILLAS), but a couple of years ago my tailgating buddies and i decided to start cooking at contests. We have had a blast with it even though the first year we didn't do very well with a little practice and luck we have done pretty good this year. HOGMANBBQ
Hi, my name is Andy�from Salina, KS. I own a Cookshack Model 50, Traeger BBQ 150, Traeger BBQ124 , Southwest Smoker (made in Tulsa, OK) , 2 - Weber kettles and 1 - Weber gas grill.
This is just a hobby. I would like to attend the Cookshack cooking class this Fall and bring back a FE100 for my collection. (if I can convince my Wife I need another smoker between now and then). This forum is great!
Greetings all,
My name is Bob and I am Oklahoma born and bred. I have been slow smoking for the past 14 years. I started out on an offset then moved up to a SmokenTex (sorry) and just recently moved up again to a CookShack Model 55. I have not been able to see it yet but should be flying back home to the USA in a week�s time and can not wait to un-crate it and get to smoking on it.
This forum has taught me more about properly smoking all types of foods, selecting & preparing meats, rubs, selecting different wood types for different meats Etc..Etc... in a short time than I would have gained in a lifetime without it. This forum is also the main reason I chose to purchase a Cookshack. I have read nothing but great reviews from some great people.
I mostly Lurk to learn. I enjoy this forum tremendously and I would like to thank all the generous people that have taken the time to post their experiences and their helpful tips.
Dave Pasqualucci,
Live in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Average snowfall of 180".
Am a Italian that makes his own Italian fresh sausage, also Hard Salami..Recipes that were brought back from Italy with my Grandfather.

Bought a CS 008, without my wifes knowing and naturally caught HELL until she tryed the ribs.

Now, "When are you going to make more ribs?"

Enjoy all the forums here on developing one's different methods.

Hi All,

I'm from Maryland, grew up in New York City. Maybe a weird combo to be into this hobby, but I have lots of different ones & am always trying something new. Been queing for 4 years, but not seriously until recently when I took the plunge & got a Smokette.

I am a homebrewer & what could be better than a homebrew with some pulled pork?

I roast my own coffee & fancy myself to be quite the cook.

I also am into Home Theater & any sort of A/V gear.

In other words - I like to spend money Smiler

This weekend I am cooking up my first full brisket. A ten pounder from a local butcher. It's been sitting in the fridge rubbed down & will be going into the smoker in about 6 hrs.

Howdy from the Texas Panhandle.

I have been a lurker for a few weeks now and due to the forum purchased a SM009. My father -in-law then gave me his ST cooker that is 5 years old. So now I have both smokers for side by side comparisons.

First smoke will be tomorrow with some Beef Ribs -- after looking at the forum this is not the choice, but for a first time, I would just as soon ruin the beef ribs as some good ole baby backs. Also, my neighbors freezer went out and the ribs were free. Using some hickory and apple wood.

Looking forward to many years of smokin with all you guys to help keep me doin it right. Great forum.

My name is Dan from Bloomington, IN. I am retired and enjoy cooking. Recently purchased an SM 008.

Have tried ribs and they came out well(according to wife and guests!). Trying chicken tonight. I appreciate all of the good tips on this forum. They really helped a lot.

Purchased my 008 with storage cart for $530 (including shipping) from America's best Received it in 10 days. Quality is great. Easy to use and clean up.

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