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From another thread:

I am planning on going to Mobile for my first cook off. I am a little nervous. If any one is going I will be accepting all the tips I can get.

Thought it might be useful to start a new thread so everyone can give thoughts to those who might be starting out. Jason, good luck

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From Texaskingfish:

Check the weather...and prepare.

Meet your neighbors asap..tell them you are doing your first cookoff...and they will help

GET A NOTEBOOK...Write it all down the start times, when you plan to pull it approx, when to mop/foil/etc so you can keep track of what you should be doing..just (in case you forget if it was 10am or 11am when you put it on???)...also the temps and times,type of smoke, what you seasoned with and how it turned out....then the next day write down what you think you could have done better in or would like to change for the next will see a pattern soon and you can always look back on what you did...

get the equipment checklist that is out there and go over it.

Cook it in your head days before...

Look up last years results and see how everyone did, ask them questions.

depending on how close your turn in's are ...try to hang around the check in table and take a look at the turn in containers when the table monitors open and check them...see how they are presented.

Get your recipe and stick with it perfect it, dont copy other peoples recipes they may not work the next time and you will struggle back and forth til you go me...

Stock up on some new jokes to tell...

BE POSITIVE and have fun

The checklist is essential,and if there is more than one member, assign items to specific people.

Do full practice runs at home ,to get your timing down.

Most of us can cook some,but having your best turned in during a ten minute window,takes planning.

Look at the turnin schedules well in advance,and try to run your practices to match it.

If you choose to cook Memphis in May ,here is an excellent post.

MIM Team Prep

Get you a chalk board,etc., and post your start,adjust,finish schedule in your work area.

Take a judges class,so you know what they expect you to turn in.

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