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I've been reading over some entry forms for differant events and some of the waiver of liability forms, it seems like you sign away your life. The way some of them read is if you sign them, you could be run over by a gator with them driving it and you nor your heirs can have any legal action. Now if your a judge, they don't have any waiver on those forms that I seen. So I guess if your a judge and get food poisoning and get deathly ill, you can sue the hell out of them though.

Anyone else ever read these things?
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I have seen these on about 1 out of every 3 applications for contests I fill out. For the most part, it pretty standard General Release stuff.. But from past life experience, General Releases don't protect them that much. Maybe it will help keep them safe above and beyond insurance coverages.
Does anyone know of anydody who has disputed these? Seems to be alot of hear say out there. I would hate to be the one to get run over by some contest coordinator or their employees and get injured, then have to take them to court knowing I signed some agreement that said I don't hold the responsible for anything! It just doesn't seem right to me. Mybe I've just been reading to many contracts and having to talk to to many lawyers lately. They all give you a differant opinion. I just thought this would make a good topic and maybe we could hear from someone who has been through the litigation of something similar.
I believe the cooks should send a loud and clear message by not signing these things when sending in their entry forms. If they want your entry then they will accept it. If it doesn't mean anything like most folks have responded on Basso's site said, then the organizer will oversee the signiture. It's alot of BS to me to see someone write something like this and excpect you just to sign it without question. I hope everyone takes a look at what were talking about. It really makes me think these organizers don't carry any insurance for the well being of the paid participant. I know we seem to spend alot of money going to these things and insurance is not that expensive for events like this. I've bought it before.

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