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Daughter and I did IBCA contest tthis last weekend in Mt Pleasant Tx.,and as cold as it was and the wind blowing like mad,the weather was anything but pleasant.
Ibca is a whole new ball game for this team. Very layed back,and only 3 meats to cook. 1/2 chicken ,pork spare ribs and brisket.Thay also had pinto beans as an extra event.Judging was new to us and they have a 20min window for the turn.The second that your entry hits the turn in window its checked by the head judge then sent to a table.Your allowed to stand there and watch as long as you don't talk to the judges.This is the prelim judging.If you make the cut,your entry goes to the final table.Have no idea what happens there as it was behind closed doors.Time between turns was from 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours.Had to make some adjustments there.Also re/judging there is one MASTER JUDGE and all the rest are local folks.We got lucky and got to the final table twice,ribs and brisket.No money,but not a bad showing for a couple of Arkansans,and the only pelletheads out of 38 teams,playing with a bunch of Texasicans.Very nice folks,had a great time aand will do it again now that I know whats what.

Papa Shaka Big Grin Smiler
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