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As I've mentioned before, getting a full brisket around here is nearly impossible so I went with 2 flats, a 7lb and an 8lb. They were 3.39/lb at BJ's and marked Angus on the COV. So I thought that was a win!

A few hours before the smoke I injected each with a mixture that included Butcher BBQ brisket injection and an au jus/beef broth mix. Then I rubbed with's brisket rub. Ended up using an entire 8oz jar on both. Then went into the AQ on 225 around 11:30 AM, I really had no idea how long they were going to take. Around 2:30 PM the bigger flat was registering 160 in the thickest part, tested with 2 probes. I was kinda surprised. So I double-foil wrapped each and added 1/2 can beef broth, then put back in smoker. Around 4:00 they were at 165, so I got we wanted to eat between 5 and 6. I thought wrapping in foil would speed up the cooking. At 4:30 PM, after another beer or 2 to think it over, I figured that at this point I was braising the meat and that even if the temp did not raise much more I would have some tasty dinner. So I went for it and cranked up the AQ to 300. An hour later the smaller brisket was at 182 and the bigger one 180. So I killed the power, pulled them still wrapped and let them rest for what turned out to be about 20-30 minutes while the rest of the crew steamed some crab legs and we made corn. As I was slicing the brisket, I noticed how juicy the meat was. All of the drippings and broth in the foil was dumped into a foil pan, and the sliced meat was put in there with the juices. There was no bark to speak of which worried me at first, but when I started eating this wonderful, tender, juicy meat, I forgot all about the bark.

Oh, by the way, this was the first time I smoked with mesquite, and I used about a 2.5 oz chunk all by itself. I went light after reading how strong it can be. I could taste the difference between that and hickory. All in all it was a very successful day, lots of compliments, and the good news is there are leftovers for sandwiches, chili, or whatever I come up with! One of the wives was taking pics I'll try to post some soon!
Original Post
Sounds as though everything worked out well.

I would have started them 9:00-10:00 am. Better to have them cooked and cozy in a Cambro vs pushing the envelope to get 'em done last minute.

Pat yourself on the back for smoking a tender, juicy flat. You're more apt to get bark with an unfoiled packer but when given gotta make lemonade Smiler

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