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I just made some seasoning for my ground chuck jerky and mixed with cure packets and mixed well with the meat.I used 3tbspns sugar twin-brown sugar,3tbspns ground red pepper,3tbspns garlic salt,3tbspns cayenne,3tbspns black pepper,3tbspns chili powder,3tbspns onion powder,2 tbspns hickory smoked salt and ground well in the coffee grinder before adding to meat.I then added 4 dashes soy sauce to meat,added seasoning and cure and mixed well before shooting out flat jerky strips with the jerky gun.Put in smoker oven,temp at 170 and 2 oz hickory wood.Leaving door closed for 2-1/2 hours before opening to check and will try to judge from there.Hope it works well..Smiler
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No,I have the Smokin Tex 1400 stainless.I used the disposable grill tops having 10 strips of jerky on each plate,stacking them 3 plates high on each of my 5 shelves.Out of 5 pounds of ground chuck I had 128 strips of jerky total.It took 4 hours and 20 minutes to get it done where the jerky cracked but didnt break in half as I bent them.VERY goooood stuff.Kinda spicy but not as hot as I thought it would be.The sugar twin brown sugar is kind of a diabetic sugar form that can be baked safely and provides sweetness without causing a diabetic reaction.That was what i was looking for as my girlfriend is diabetic nowadays and taking metformin.That jerky was perfecto according to her!!SmilerI stacked the jerky between paper napkins for 2 hours to soak up grease and when cooled added them to a gallon ziplock baggie to refrigerate overnite before vac-sealing them in 3-4oz packs.
I think the ONLY thing I will change in my next batch will be to add 10 or 12 shakes ofsoy sauce instead.Seems like it was the only thing lacking.Soy sauce seems to take away some heat...not too much but some.Also adds some flavor other than heat.I think I guessed everything else ok for a great tasting jerky.
I used the American Harvest dehydrater for the last 8-9 years for jerky.But with my smokin tex oven my jerky dont take as long to get done.4 hours with the smoker oven is better than 9-10 hours with the dehydrater.Plus I can flavor with actual hickory wood.All in all I love the ease of making ground chuck jerky and its not so tough I have to chew on it for 4 minutes just to get a taste.But its my own personal preference.Enjoy!
I am with GLH. I like my jerky tough & chewy. I have tried the ground stuf from the stores (I know, no comparison in taste) and just don't care for the texture & it doesn't seem to last as long.

I had a butcher accidently cut my jerky strips against the grain. Reminded me of the ground stuff - no fight to it.

Not knocking the ground jerky at all. We all have different preferences. If you're happy, well that's all that matters Big Grin
Last edited by wheelz

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