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Well, I said I would tell the tale of how it all went, so here goes....
As I stated in another post we had went from hoping for a top ten in 2 catagories to hoping we made it home alive. The Sunday prior I had loaded the smokers on the trailer so I would not have to do it later. I used the trailer to go get a FREE deep freezer with the smokers on board. I have a Char-Broil cabinet--just like the Bandera and a Brinkmann PitMaster Deluxe--much like the SNP just a little smaller. Well, while coming to a stop the wheel popped off the CB and with it being top-heavy it came crashing over the front of the trailer--the Brinkmann was tied to it. The damage seemed minimal and I did not sweat it, too much. Well, we got home on Thurday and finished loading the trailer and came home to no power--wife forgot to pay the bill. So that was just another thing. We got down there Thursday evening and got set up. We stayed up late(2 am) meeting people and trying to re adjust our hours, since we usually get up at 3 am and are in bed around 8 pm or so. Friday I started cooking Turkey for the anythingbut.(should have turned in the Turkey alone like the wife said, but I did a sandwich instead) Anyway, Friday was HOT as HELL so I started drinking beer about 12. Remembering that we/I have been working pretty much 7 days a week 12-14 hours a day for the last ten months I got side tracked and started concentrating a LITTLE too much on having some fun and not so much on cooking. I fired up the CB about 11 pm and got the meat(Butts/Brisket flats) on around 11:30. Well, I had an excellent fire and was getting ALOT of attention about the sweat smelling smoke from surrounding teams.(Remember, we ONLY use red-oak) Well, having been drinking for over 12 hours straight at this point, about 2 am I noticed that the smoker was ROCKING but the temp was only saying a little over 200--that is where I like it early in the smoke. The funny thing was that the fire was so hot that I could not get within 5 feet of the smoker with out saying "Damn! That sure seems hot." Well, I kept faith in the thermo until about 2:30. At that point I was sure there was a Thermo malfunction--so I checked it out. I inserted another Thermo----375 degrees! SOB! 375 early in a smoke = VERY little smoke--that is our signature flavor. The trailer incident had REALLY screwed up the Thermo.
Well, on top of this a team member across the way showed up at 3:30 am with a 1/5 of Crown and I just Had Mad to indulge--again, I haven't kicked back and had ANY fun since last August. Well, this should be a good indicator of how my cooking of Pork and Brisket went. I made all of my rubs in advance and all was well until I tasted the ribs--after they cooked. I must have made a mis-calculation in my math(made a bulk run) The black pepper was VERY stought and the cayenne got the back of my throat immediatly--welp, too late now. The upside is that they were some of the BEST LOOKING ribs I have ever done. We never practiced presentation before we went so that is something we were very concerned about. Well, let me tell you something--my wife did an EXCELLENT job!! Five 9's and one 8 for the presentation. Again, they were really good looking ribs and my wife made them look REAL nice---just tasted like shit and needed another hour on cook time---got up late ten till 7(went to bed at 5:15---remember the Crown. Still beat some of the top 40 teams though--we'll take it. CHicken---sheesh! We had a recipe that we had been cooking and working on for a while that involved whole chickens and breasts. We were just having trouble figuring out how we were going to present it. So, at the last minute we change EVERYTHING about the chicken--it sucked. I was really dissapointed in my efforts. I would have NEVER served ANY of the crap that I cooked in my place! The sad thing is that we still beat some good teams.
Bottom line: WE had a GREAT time met some GREAT people!(Especially the Rubba Butta Que Gang--they are Awesome!) We learned quite a bit and probably the best thing is that 2 weeks ago I bought the wife a WSM and started showing her how to smoke and that is when I handed the chicken over to her--I was tired of messing with it and I thought it would be a good way to get her alittle more invlolved. After one Comp--she is hooked, even obsessed. We are going to compete in the 2nd Annual WNC BBQ Fest in Maggie Vally, NC and have EVERY intention of fully Redeeming myself.
Well, there it is!
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Zeb, that actuallys sounds like a lot of people's first time.

I've seen more than one first time team take a little too much time for fun and forget the timing of everything.

Great story, good reading.

Knew you'd do well on ribs, I've seen your photos and you know how to come them.

Best of luck at the next event.

Do well in Ribs?! I would not have served them to my goat...seriously! But, the up side is that they were good enough to beat the second place chicken team A-team(local) they,finished 22nd over all, and a few others that finished in the top 50 overall. They were the most beautiful I have ever seen with me own 2 eyes, much less cooked. Timing was GREAT on everything else-just the quality was not there. Damn, Bud-Light/ Crown Royal. Mad
They just sucked by our standard for taste on ribs. But that is OK--there is Maggie Valley and Tryon next year--you WILL see a different result at both events.
It was nice meeting you guys. I hope to see you next time. Your wife REALLY is a nice lady--Jack was right. Nice to meet John, as well.
Will keep his big mouth shut until he wins something! Red Face
Now Zeb....

You should know it took a little while to learn to serve / smoke for the public.

Same in competition. You have to learn the process/judges and tastes, that's the challenging part.

For me, I'm real happy that my overall scores have improved for each contest. Tells me I'm learning to solve some of the issues. That's the good news. Bad news, next comp will be a new set of judges and all bets are off.

Like Tom and others say...I don't cook at contest like I do at home and I don't cook at home like I do at contests. Different tastes.

That being said, the family loves the comp stuff so I may have to eat my words, but that's what I've always been told Big Grin
OH grasshopper, remember this prediction?

I hope to get to check it out! I am sorry that you feel you got a bum deal, that would suck.
However.... I am a little offended by the remark about amatuers.(I may have taken it wrong) I was going to try to get in on THAT contest. I found out a little late and did not have the time to get in. I and my wife run a small restaurant and we just ran out of time--If you have ever ran a restaurant with yourself, your wife and one other employ, then you know where I am coming from. I am getting ready to enter my first cook-off and will be competing against some of you "pros", including Myron's team. I bet that I beat over half of them.(I will post the results)
You guy's are professional cook-off competitors. I am in the trenches---I serve the public every day and make a living doing it. A few judges versus the masses--who really wins. I think that there are alot of amatuers that can, not whip, but SPANK you guys(pros)---in a peoples choice. Please do not consider this a personal attack---it is not intended that way.
Did you ever consider that you may be "off?" It happens to all competitors.
You're going to see ALOT of new people stealing the show in years to come--it is not luck. I WILL give you this--there are A TON of UN-qualified BBQ experts popping up--I have met a few.

It's not as easy as it looks is it? Butt it sure can be alot of fun and awfully agrevating on any leval.

Just remember to practice ( Wax on then Wax off)LOL

I'm glad you had a good time. Competition is fun. Figuring out the judges tastes is hard, though. I try to see if I like what we make and compare how I would judge it. Sometimes I think it's too tough, but I like the flavor. The judges think it's tender, but score it down on taste. Presentation is hard for me. Getting all the meat into a small box in a pleasing fashion can be impossible sometimes. But, now you're a veteran. You'll do good. Just don't party too hard! LOL.
I was happy when Jack let me work on the chicken. I really like chicken, so that's a great one for me. It's a challenge.
Best of luck.
Not so funny and a little rude(maybe not meant that way)...but, I wear egg well. I also have been known to eat a little crow. I have been man enough to admit my mistake(s). More than some/most ever do. More over, I never cried about it,nor will I. I can hold my head high and say that I will do better next time. I have seen you do poorly on national TV--things do happen to all of us--I am seeing. I am not making excuses, just admitting my mistake(s)--but, can assure you that the next 2 named events will more closely resemble the post that you re-posted for me.
Live and learn. Life of the party or cooking champ?--I made the wrong choice.
I assure you that I CAN COOK with ANYONE--But, I can also drink with ANYONE, too. Kinda a delima at Tryon. Again, I lived and learned.
Hide and watch me! Wink

Practice, practice, and practice some more. You are pretty bold to step in with the attitude, but I like the intensity.

I've done pretty well over the last two years, but have also fallen down pretty hard a few times. My consistency though has only come because I compete just about every weekend some where across the country. Even though I don't change recipes much anymore, I learn something new every week.

I didn't go into Tryon expecting to win, just hoped to have a top ten overall. As it went, I did win, but my entries were all on target. I would not have been dissapointed though to finish in the top ten as opposed to GC. It's a tough circuit. Everything has to fall in to place to do well. You can't predict it. Find your rythm and stay in it.

Tryon GC 2005
Thanks for all the encouragement from all you guys. We'll keep trying and hopefully we'll do better as we go. There is not suppose to be any real attitude with all this---I hate the written word versus the spoken word. It is hard to come across the way that you mean to sometimes. I work hard at what I do and am proud of it--one can't win if he/she doesn't feel that they can.COngrats to you guys, Troy.(Remember a few weeks ago when you needed some meat for a catering gig?--I was the guy that left you the messege that you would be passing through this area and that if you needed anything I can get it through my food guy)
Again, I'll eat my crow and wear my egg and keep me mouth shut until I can show a better result in another comp. Then it'll be an "I told you so" post. Razzer
Thanks again Eddy, Smoklahoma, Tom the 2 Greyhounds guys and Troy!

Keep the confidence going. Like Troy said, you just have to put time in and that comp you went to was one of the top 5 and there was a LOT of tough competition.

That's why I'm doing the regional cooks to get my methods down. I'm happy now with me recipes.

You'll do fine and when it comes time and you win, we'll all be here to support you.

If you have ANY questions about how to do better, I know anyone in the forum will help you be a better competitor...even if you're not using an FE.

Thanks again, Guys! Troy, I will look you up when we are at the same event again. Smokelahoma, I appreciate the hospitality from all of you forum guys---even if I don't use an FE. But I do own/use an SM250. SO I guess that is close enough to be part of the "gang." I actually am in the process of getting a new smoker. I have been talking with Steve at Bates and we are currently working on the design of my next smoker. I REALLY like his blbb(30x36) for a personal/competition smoker. I am probably getting one for that and am working on another rig for catering, etc. I just can't bring myself to get the FE. I am a DIE-HARD stick burner. But, I can still hang out with you Lazy-Qr's and get along Razzer
Thanks for letting me tag a long!

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