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Thanks Mike, I have had my eye on that one and will try it very soon.

Question to anyone- I was glad that I was able to move the top shelf up onto the top of the shelf bracket and slide it in. It gave me just a half inch or so of more clearance that I needed. You can see in the picture how the top sheld is sitting above the bracket. Was this made by design?
All 4 LBs were just under 2 lbs. I knew that what most of what I read was people using 2.5 lbs+ so I thought I would just be safe to check at 3 hrs and monitor for 20min intervals. But they were done at 3. I used the toothpick test and it slid in like butter on 2 of them. So I pulled them all and finished on the hot grill for about 2 minutes each side after I coated them in sauce. I also used a 6x rib rack on top of the lower rack with the top rack out.
Originally posted by cal:
I see! Most folks would call those ribs Baby Back ribs. You'll not gain much cooking time by opening the cooker at 20 minute intervals, but it looks like that was not needed anyway. Good job.

Actually Cal the package said Loin Back. I know what BB's are. These were cut funny. Almost in an elongated triangle. If that makes any sense? I bought them from a place called Food 4 Less. I don't usually buy meats from them but these were on sale at a decent price.
Does it make sense? Nope. It can all be very confusing to me and just to think Smokin' says not to over think Qing...LOL.

Good example, I bought a case of IBP Supreme Baby Back ribs from Sams, it says so right on the package, and I GUARANTEE that if I cook these 3 lb LB's,opps I mean BBs(it says so) for 3 hrs at 225* things are gonna be tuff.

Just cause a company/store puts it on the package doesn't mean anything. I like to think that BBs and LBs come from the same cut/area. It just seems some folks will call the small size BBs and the heaver ones LBs. It seems that the LBs will have more loin meat on the top side and the BBs have been trimmed closer.

Maybe it all has something to do with marketing, who knows? It is a very good idea to keep good notes on the weights of the ribs when cooking them, that I do know!

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