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So, hadn't posted in a while what's going on. My current info is always in my Facebook and yesterday I opened my new Twitter account.

We have a soft opening going on now as the new Menu was printed and hit Coach's Restaurant in Bricktown yesterday.

Hard opening will be next week, not just BBQ, but some other items rolling out at all.

I've got new sauces in the restaurant, can't show the labels yet, until they're approved but here is my image from the label.

It's still a little out of my comfort zone having my image and everything out there like this. The picture on the wall, the menu, etc is just more than I expected.

But like a lot of us, we want to have a restaurant and sell our Q and I'm lucky enough to have my shot.

Now I have to wait to see what people really think.

Oh, speaking of that. The local Food Critic for the paper is visiting next week... PRESSURE!

I'll let you know when the paper prints the article.
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Looks like things are moving right along Smokin.
I just don't get Twitter. My wife and kids have explained it to me a bunch of times and I still don't comprehend. I'm still getting use to figuring out FB and I've been on there for a couple years now. We've been learning at work that to keep up you have to enter all of this social media -link FB to Youtube to Twitter to Linkedin to bussiness website. Whats next --when will the madness end --lol.

Anyway glad to see it all coming together. Let us know when the sauces are available to purchase if they will be.
What we're doing with Twitter, is the public or the staff at the restaurant and "ask smoking okie" questions about bbq or things like that. No one knows BBQ like I do, so why not establish a connection so they can ask.

Not everyone wants to use the forum.

but I'm with you. I'll NOT be posting my thoughts, min by min blow of what I do, just keep it about bbq.
Congratulations, and best of luck to you.
I'm with VA Slim- my wife and I have been known to go on "Foodie Roadtrips" just to try out local places (like our trip last year to Saint Louis and Kansas City) I'm sure we'll get to OKC and you can be sure we'll stop in to chow down.

Thanks for all you do for the forum.
Originally posted by iSmoke:
Mr. and Mrs. iSmoke will be dining at Coach's this evening. I am hoping to get a t-shirt for the rub/sauce exchange!

Met Mr. and Mrs. iSmoke last night. Had to leave early, Mrs. Smokin' wasn't feeling well. Interested to hear their comments. If you haven't friended me yet wanted to let you know I'll be posting some photos of some of the new menu items.

Spent time yesterday working on plating and making some "design" changes in the presentation. Imagine trying to eat EVERYTHING on the menu. Or even just tasting everything.
Originally posted by Gary I.:
Will your menu be in all of the locations? We will be traveling through OKC the last weekend of June. Heading to Austin for Daughters BD party. Thought about stopping in and seeing what real BBQ tastes like. What is the best location to try if coming from Kansas on 35?
Congrats on your opening.
Gary I.

Bricktown (downtown) this month
Norman next month

Both are right off the interstate, but the parking is easier in Norman but that will be the newest location. Bricktown is the prettier location & restaurant.

I don't know about REAL BBQ Wink

I think so, but I'm real interested to see if the staff can carry of the work of the Pitmaster and make it all come together.

I've been happy with it so far, but I'm waiting for the public.

One guy yesterday said they were the best ribs he ever had, so that's a start.
For those without FB. I'll post a few photos.

From a "process" standpoint, the President and others are reviewing the items for plating.

There are not FINAL, just the current version. Number of tweaks to the plating (but not my recipes) LOL

First photo:

BBQ Bean Nachos. Can get with pork, brisket or pork too. We are going to get rid of the guach (overdone on too many menus) and replace with a Chipotle Chrem Fraiche

The wife and I enjoyed dinner last night at Coach's before going to a movie. Met Russ for the first time, which was really great. I feel a little odd giving a critique on a public barbeque forum since I don’t consider myself an expert (yet). But I am a newly anointed KCBS CBJ (scary), so I’ll give it a try.

I had a half rack of St. Louis style ribs. Big meaty suckers, bigger that what I have found the three times I cooked them this year. Good appearance on the plate along with my two sides, fries and baked beans. The ribs were perfectly done according to my limited experience and learning here on the forum. Not falling of the bone, but a gentle tug required. And guess what…they tasted like pork! Not over smoked, sauced or excessive rub. The pork flavor really stood out. As a CBJ, I would give all 9’s for sure! As a consumer I prefer a little more smoke flavor. But as Smokin has posted several times, many of us are used to an over smoked product. Ribs from other restaurants I’ve sampled since I became more Q educated are not even in the same ballpark! (Pun intended, see pic as restaurant overlooks our AAA baseball park!)

Sampled four sauces: sweet, Smokin Okie, Hot and F5 (as in tornado Fujita scale). I preferred the very tasty Smokin Okie and Hot. However, I was surprised that while the F5 was extremely hot, I could still taste the other spices. For me, most really hot sauces just taste hot and not much else.

Baked beans were fresh and sweet. It may be similar to the recipe he has posted here on the forum. When I’ve made them at home, I use a combination of Smokin’s and Pag’s recipes.

Mrs. iSmoke had pulled pork sandwich, which is served with cole slaw on the sandwich. She would only let me have one bite, but it was moist and flavorful. I will try the pulled pork dinner next time.

If ever in Oklahoma City, I recommend a visit. It is located in the Bricktown entertainment district just east of downtown.

The man himself:

View from my booth towards ballpark:
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It was a pleasure to meet you.

The challenge of a restaurant is to make sure the staff cooks the way I've trained them. Appreciate the detailed comments. Smoke is big on my list.

Believe me it's appreciated.

One thing I plan on is listening to feedback and making changes as needed so all of your review is helpful.

Glad you liked the F5. You hit EXACTLY on what I'm trying to achieve. Hot, but with flavor. Hot Sauces just taste hot. Mine I want flavor and heat. You described it how I made it. I'm still tweaking the "hot" component. Let's just say "ghost pepper" and leave it at that Wink
Today's Menu Item. Figure I'd just post them in the same thread so we keep the Resaurant comments together.

Brisket Brwon Gravy (BBG) covered Tatertots. Not really BBQ, except for the smoked brisket of course, but what's NOT better than anything covered in Gravy. We're adding more brisket to the recipe after our test run and the photo.


Well,it looks like it is starting well and you are having some fun trying to get the "good stuff" out there.

Hopefully,it can be more like chili comps and some of the TX comps where they let real natives,that know what eats good,make decisions with their feet and pocketbook.

As you and I know,"super judges" can sure confuse an issue on what "eats good". Eeker

We look forward to gettin' out your way and gettin' together ,since we already know your good cookin'.
Yes, let's not threadjack (I could go on about the event), but serving a bunch of chicken and beef was great. Good thing I know most of the beer people. Everyone else got little samples; they would give me full bottles Big Grin

The food went over well. We're getting rave comments about our pulled chicken.

And for the day, my F3 (HOT) sauce was the favorite. Easily outnumbers the requests for reg & sweet. The review above describes it perfect. Hot, but with flavor.
Originally posted by cal:
Yeah!, but you can beat that I'm paying attention.

Then think about a Brisket Sandwich covered in that Gravy Big Grin

We call it Damned Yankee Sliced Brisket Sandwich. Don't ask why, but the Pitmaster refused to call it BBQ, so we came up with a "different" name.

I'll post photos soon.
Big day tomorrow.

The local paper Food Editor (The Food Dude) and a local well known chef are coming by to do a Feature story on me and review the restaurant. So I'm taking a vacation day from work so I can be there all day.

I KNOW the food is good, but now the proof is in their tastebuds and the staffs ability to delivery my recipes per my very specific guidance.

Article comes out 6/7 so we'll have to wait and see.

I'll take photos tomorrow and possibly twitter/FB if I can.
Having two jobs is tough, but when your second job is BBQ, it's at least a little more fun than sitting behind a desk.

Took a vacation day yesterday and spent it at the Restaurant.

The Food Dude, head food writer for the Oklahoma City Paper and a chef came by and spent 2 1/2 hours with us. When Dave and I get together it's always been a marathon BBQ discussion. Yeah, Image that, ME long winded about BBQ.

So the team at Coach's cooked up our normal ford for the two of them and even included some of the weekend speicals. Sorry, no photos today, too busy talking.

Appetizers: Burnt Ends, Brisket Brown Gravy Smothered Tots, Wings (with F5 sauce), Boom Boom Shrimp Salad, Chicken Sliders and Pulled Beef sliders

Sandwiches: Pulled Chicken, Pulled Pork and Damned yankee (Brisket covered in Brown Gravy)

For the main course(s) we did the Pile Up (which is a selection of all the BBQ on the menu, Full Spare Rib Platter and finally a Dinosaur Rib (Beef Rib).

We have a photo shoot scheduled for 5/30 for the article which will come out on 6/7.
Originally posted by SmokinOkie:
Having two jobs is tough, but when your second job is BBQ, it's at least a little more fun than sitting behind a desk.

Took a vacation day yesterday and spent it at the Restaurant.

The Food Dude, head food writer for the Oklahoma City Paper and a chef came by and spent 2 1/2 hours with us. When Dave and I get together it's always been a marathon BBQ discussion. Yeah, Image that, ME long winded about BBQ.

So the team at Coach's cooked up our normal ford for the two of them and even included some of the weekend speicals. Sorry, no photos today, too busy talking.

Appetizers: Burnt Ends, Brisket Brown Gravy Smothered Tots, Wings (with F5 sauce), Boom Boom Shrimp Salad, Chicken Sliders and Pulled Beef sliders

Sandwiches: Pulled Chicken, Pulled Pork and Damned yankee (Brisket covered in Brown Gravy)

For the main course(s) we did the Pile Up (which is a selection of all the BBQ on the menu, Full Spare Rib Platter and finally a Dinosaur Rib (Beef Rib).

We have a photo shoot scheduled for 5/30 for the article which will come out on 6/7.

The 5 P's will get you where you need to go, if not the 5 P's then the 6 P's for sure. Looks great.
Okay, maybe I have Brisket Brown Gravy on the brain...

5P's? 6P's?


Not sure how to retweet here, but the Food Dude posted this today. I gotta say WOW, when th local Food Critic says this:

Dave Cathey ‏@TheFoodDood
Folks, @BBQbySmokinOkie is the best BBQ pitmaster I know, and now his BBQ is available at Coach's downtown. So follow him, already!

Don't know if it was just the food or the 5 #'s of Burnt Ends I sent home with him. The Dude LOVES my Burnt Ends. This is the same guy that had me in the Video Series last year and we'll do another one this year.
Last edited by Former Member
Originally posted by SmokinOkie:
Okay, maybe I have Brisket Brown Gravy on the brain...

5P's? 6P's?


Not sure how to retweet here, but the Food Dude posted this today. I gotta say WOW, when th local Food Critic says this:

Dave Cathey ‏@TheFoodDood
Folks, @BBQbySmokinOkie is the best BBQ pitmaster I know, and now his BBQ is available at Coach's downtown. So follow him, already!

Don't know if it was just the food or the 5 #'s of Burnt Ends I sent home with him. The Dude LOVES my Burnt Ends. This is the same guy that had me in the Video Series last year and we'll do another one this year.

5P's = proper planning prevents poor performance

6P's= proper planning prevents pi*s poor performance.

Either way Russ, you got this covered.
Originally posted by Smokin':
Then think about a Brisket Sandwich covered in that Gravy

I think of that as hot beef sandwiches...yum, yum.

Now that silly strawberry blond wife of mine thinks she needs ketchup and white chicken gravy on it...go figure that??? I've come to be able too stomach the white gravy, but I'll hold my line on NO ketchup.

So we're working to do some things for the future, until then we've push back the schedule for the Norman Restuarant. mainly it was just going to be TOO much to do by the time of the first football game.

We do have a LOT going on and once I can I'll publish the info. Until then just stay tuned or I'll see you Downtown at Bricktown.

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