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Picked up 6 pork bellies yesterday fom a local Asian mrket that I had ordered. All were betewwn 2.90 lbs. and 3.27 lbs.

Made up a mixture of salt, sugar and tenderquick from the many recipies I had read.
coated both sides very liberally and then put each in a food saver bag and in to the fridge.

Will turn them daily and keep like that for about 3 to 4 weeks.

Then into the AmeriQue with Maple Syurp and will use !/2 hickory and 1/2 sugar maple wood.

Hope it turns out as good as the last batch!!
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If these are as good as the last batch, I am going to do quite a few for Christmas!!

I read almost every post on this forum under "pork belly bacon" and just "bacon". Also read other posts in various recipie forums.

Always looking for good bacon tutorials.
Last edited by Former Member
Originally posted by tigerfan:
If these are as good as the last batch, I am going to do quite a few for Christmas!!

I read almost every post on this forum under "pork belly bacon" and just "bacon". Also read other posts in various recipie forums.


you did all THAT reading? Hey, maybe some photos and a method. Hint hint Wink
Salt, sugar, AND tenderquick? You need to check your recipe again. TQ is 99% salt. All you need to do is cut it with sugar, spices, etc. You sure don't need to add more salt.

And 3-4 weeks is too long for bellies, or for most anything for that matter. 7 days is more likely a better time for a dry cure as you describe, and maybe 10-12 days for a brine.
The recipie I found and used was as follows:
for 50# of pork belly (adjust according)

1 1/4 lb. of kosher salt
1 lb. of brown sugar
4 oz. od Tenderquick

Coated very liberally on both sides, put in individual food saver bags, into the fridge and turn them every day.

Re-read my post, meant to say in the fridge for 1-2 weeks, NOT 3-4 weeks. I generally like about 2 full weeks!

I then wash them off, pat them dry and let them sit for several hours. Then rub with a light coat of pure maple syrup and into the smoker.

I set the smoker to 180*, probe a couple of the bellies and pull them at 145*.
I will use 2 oz. of hickory and 2 oz. of sugar maple.

After pulling I will wrap individually and let them set up overnight before slicing or giving them away.

Hope this is clearer

When I pull them and get them in the smoker will try and take pictures!!!
Last edited by Former Member
Belly Bacon came out great with fantastic reviews from several people.

1 1/4 lb. of kosher salt
1 lb. of brown sugar
4 oz. do Tender-quick

After being in fridge with cure for 2 weeks

Coated very liberally on both sides, put in individual food saver bags, into the fridge and turn them every day.

I put them in the fridge for 2 weeks.

I then washed them off, pat them dry and let them sit for several hours. Then rub with a light coat of pure maple syrup and into the smoker.
After brushing with pure Maple syurp

I set the smoker to 180*, probed a couple of the bellies and pulled them at 147*.
Into the AmeriQue, starting temp 52* probe set to 147*

I used 2 oz. of hickory and 2 oz. of sugar maple.

After taking out of the smoker, I wrapped them individually and placed them in the fridge overnight.

Then I cut them in half, approx. 1.4-1.7 lb. each, vacuum packed and doubled sealed them and gave to some friends.

All comments were fantastic!
After smoked and put in the fridge overnight

Cut in half, about 1.4-1.7 lbs. each


I am going to do 12 more full bellies for some Christmas gifts for friends in a few weeks.
Have already talked with the Asian Market and have them coming in!
Last edited by Former Member
After hearing from everyone I gave some of the last batch of bacon to, the reviews were so favorable that I went to the Asian Market this past Saturday and instead of ordering 12 pork bellies, I ordered 18!!
That will give me 36 pcs. about 1-1/2# each to give for Xmas gifts for my coffee group and some friends.
Picking them up this Saturday to start the process.
I use the salt, brown sugar and tenderquick as stated in my earlier post, and after that length of time usually have several oz. of fluid in the bags.

Did you individually wrap each belly or have them all together?

Also, turn them every day or so.

I let mine stay for 2 weeks, take them out and rinse off and pat dry, then coat with pure maple syurp, then into the smoker.
Thanks for the detailed instructions, I think I am going to try this soon! A couple of questions...

1. I assume at 147* the bacon is not fully cooked, so when you want to use it you will pan fry like normal bacon, is that correct?

2. How well does this freeze? I think it would be nice to make a large batch, slice and vacuum pack for the freezer.

Thanks again for the instuctions on how to do this!

That looks like some real lean bacon. I've made buckboard bacon out of porkbutt and it looked about that lean. if those were bellies, they must have come from very lean hogs. I'll try your recipe. I am starting a 30# run tommorow. I've been using High Mountain BuckBoard Bacon cure and it's been great, but yours will be a lot cheaper! How salty is it?
I put the belly in a vacum packed food saver bag, refridgerated over night, then put them in a FedEx carton and shipped them next morning delivery.

Sent a package to my son in Edmond, OK, my daughter in Duluth, GA, and to Smokin' in Oklahoma City. All arrived in good condition and no one had a problem with it!
tigerfan and bacon veterans.....I recently became interested in bacon and found your information. I rubbed a golden sugar cure that i purchased locally onto the bellies and cured for approximately 1 week. Impatient i know. Anyway, i then rinsed off really good, patted dry and coated with the syrup (great idea). Into the smoker with about 4 oz cherry. I set at around 180 in interest of time until i saw temp rising rather quickly then backed off to 165 for remainder. Cooked to internal 145 and pulled bellies as they reached temp monitoring with remote probes. I rinsed off and cooled slightly with a cold water rinse immediately out of smoker and then cut into 1 lb pieces and put into food saver. I had to try some, so I cut a few thick slices and fried it up asap. I was soooooo dissappointed to taste horrribly salty and over powering smoke. almost inedible I am ashamed to say. (especially with the price of bellies these days). I have frozen about 2/3 of first batch and saved a couple of pounds out in the fridge to slice and try again this weekend. Hoping something miraculous happens.

What did I do wrong????? I have another belly fresh that I was going to start, but not until I get a handle on my errors. Any feedback you can provide is MUCH appreciated.

jergie- I have a batch I'm smoking this weekend. I rinse the bacon, then soak the bacon in a cold water bath for two hours, replace water and repeat. This leaches out excess salt. I'll then pat dry and put in the fridge uncovered on a cooling rack overnight to form a dry tacky surface on the meat that the smoke can stick to. I *wouldn't* rinse the bacon after smoking it. I use about the same amount of wood and temps as you and think that the rinsing after smoking is where you got your oversmoked taste. Hope this helps-

Hey tigerfan. I make alot of bacon and love trying new things so my question is you say you rinse the bacon? Is that all or do you leave it in water for a few hrs. to get rid of the strong salt? I don't like my bacon too salty so the recipe I use I actually soak it for a couple hrs. after rinsing. The maple sounds awesome so will wait for a reply and try some. Cheers, Don
Originally posted by tigerfan:
The recipie I found and used was as follows:
for 50# of pork belly (adjust according)

1 1/4 lb. of kosher salt
1 lb. of brown sugar
4 oz. od Tenderquick

Coated very liberally on both sides, put in individual food saver bags, into the fridge and turn them every day.

Re-read my post, meant to say in the fridge for 1-2 weeks, NOT 3-4 weeks. I generally like about 2 full weeks!

I then wash them off, pat them dry and let them sit for several hours. Then rub with a light coat of pure maple syrup and into the smoker.

I set the smoker to 180*, probe a couple of the bellies and pull them at 145*.
I will use 2 oz. of hickory and 2 oz. of sugar maple.

After pulling I will wrap individually and let them set up overnight before slicing or giving them away.

Hope this is clearer

When I pull them and get them in the smoker will try and take pictures!!!

First of all let me explain for taking so long getting back to you. All of April I was in the hospital, had surgery. Got home the very end of April and still in a hospital bed, using a wheel chair mostly but can go about 40-50' on a walker.

When I wash off the belly, I wash it real good under running water, then soak it for about 30 min. to an hour, take out and pat dry.

Hope that helps! The bellies I get from an Asian Market are all from very small pigs, most likely babies as they do not have a huge amount of fat. All my friends, and SmokinOkie like it like that.

With all the framland around here, pigs are taking over!! This market I use has people that trap the babies and small pigs for them.
Thanks Pags,

The Dr. told me it could take a year to get back to like I was! In 1999 had open heart surgery, 6 bypasses, a year and a half ago had a total hip replacement and this is the hardest thing I have ever done. My new hip got a very bad infection and they had to put in an antibotic spacer instead of a new hip because of the infection. This has been really tough.
I can tell you the golden years aint so golden!!

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