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I've had my 009 for about 2 months now and just love it. I was looking to get back in to smoking and replace my charcoal type unit and I'm so glad I splurged the extra $$ for this unit. I've had great luck with fish/chick/ribs already and it's now a weekend thing for us.

Now my question/story... I picked up a pork butt on sale (4.75lb) and thought we'd try our first pulled pork meal. After reading some recipes here it looked like I should cook to 180-190* and this should take 1 1/2 hours per pound. I cooked this at 225* and after 11 hours it was just at 170*, which my probe for pork says is the done temp. We couldn't wait any longer so I took it out and we ate it. It was really good, but not as tender as I would have thought.

Long story... but does that seem normal? Did I mess something up? Should it really have cooked that much longer?

Any help/thoughts would be appreciated.
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mrkc -- "Yes," your pork was "done," but you should have taken it to at least 190, I take mine to 195-200 to get it "tender." Your butt hung in the infamous "plateau" where the coligen takes a while to render out. It may hang from 160-175 for hours! Patience is the key here. I always start my butts the night before at 200 and crank it up to 225 when I get up. This way I have time to tinker and mess with temps if necessary.

Next time, take it to 195 and it will fall apart when you attempt to take it out of your 009. Let the butt rest for at least 1/2 hour before pulling.

Hope thiss helps! Big Grin
Last edited by wheelz
That Wheelz is one smart dood. The info he gave you is right on. That's exactly the way I like to cook 'em. I start at 10:00 the night b4 and crank up the temp sometime in the AM leaving lots of tinker time. I like to get 'em done, 195*, by mid afternoon, double foil, wrap in a bunch of old towels and put the whole shebang in a dry cooler. It'll still be at 165 to 170 degrees by pullin' time.
I'll echo Wheelz & TaktEZ on their method of smoking butts. I joined the "Overnight Smoke" club a couple of years ago after several frustrating attempts on my then new 008. Got tired of staring at the thermometer wondering when the d**n thing was going to be done, eating undercooked butt, or eating at 11:00 P.M. Also tried the 4:00 A.M. start method which didn't last long. Decided to try starting the night before at a lower temp and it's become my standard method.

Did a couple of butts this weekend, each about 7.5 lbs. After prepping, put in the smoker at 11:30 P.M. Fri. Set smoker temp. at 200F. At 7:30 A.M. Sat the internal was 160F. Raised the smoker temp to 215F. Internal temp. moved to 170F at 9:00 A.M. and hung there until about noon. Then crept up slowly 195F at 4:30 P.M. Removed the butts from the smoker, foiled, toweled, and coolered until 7:00 P.M. Pulled the meat, mixed in some rub and Smokins' finishing sauce, and feasted. Perfection and simple.

BTW, use the same method with briskets.

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