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A good buddy of mine just dropped of a beautiful 10 lb pork butt. This will be my first PB in my CS Smokette. My question is - should I trim off some of the thick layer of fat on one side of the butt or leave it intact. Also - should the fat side be on top or on the bottom. I was going to smoke with 2 oz of hickory and 2 oz of apple. Is that too much wood? Lots of questions. Thanks
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I diffently wouldn't trim for your 1st PB, will help with the seasoning. I normally go to Sam's and get a package of 2 that are close to the same size. I do like the ones that are trimmed closer, for more bark when smoking.

I don't use apple anymore with my PBs, instead mix the hickory with cherry. I save the apple to use on my ribs with some hickory. I like more smoke on my bigger meats 5-6 ozs. This is something that you will need to decide after a few, because eveyones taste is different.

I've cooked them both ways fat up and fat down, again you will need to decide by experience.

See a theme, to each his own, because with these fine smokers you can make Que just like you like with just a little experience.

Good luck and have FUN!

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