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Are you speaking of ribs? If so, you can paint on some sauce towards the end of the finish line...say 15 - 30 minutes, tops. Any earlier, you run the risk of over-caramelizing the meat due to the sugar content of most sauces. Concentrate on seasoning the ribs (or any other meats/poultry) with a seasoning rub, which will add depth of flavor during the cooking process.

Large cuts of meat (brisket & pork butt) will benefit from a "mop" during the smoking process. Think of it as a marinade that's applied to the outside of the meat.

Back to suggestion is to finish them without a sauce and serve one on the side when you're ready to eat. This allows you taste the meat in its purest form.
Half if not more of the fun of this quest is experimenting. While your waiting for your FEC100 to arrive, do some reading. Paul Kirk has some great info on rubs, mops, etc. in his book Championship Barbecue. Same holds true for Chris Lilly's book, "Big Bob Gibson". There's many, many more.

Shoot me a PM and I can get you started on "build your own" or commercial rubs. No doubt, others will reply with solid advice.

I apply a thin glaze during the last 10-15 minutes of cooking. This glaze is my regular table sauce with honey on a one part to four parts of sauce along with a tiny bit of cayenne pepper to balance the honey. Then it is heated up to thin it out before I apply it. Works well for me.

BTW, my mild table sauce is Cookshack Mild.
Ribs bug me. For most things I have a "go to" recipe or flavor profile, but not for ribs. I have savory rubs, salty rubs, spicy rubs, sweet rubs, and at least 4 kinds of sauces that I might choose to glaze with, or not. I guess I just like ribs in most forms, which could be a good thing I guess.

Ribdog mentioned CS mild sauce in his post. About a month ago several people I know suggested I look up Williamson House sauce, a locally produced sauce here in NC. I had to ask at the store and the butcher and a lady passing by both commented on how good this sauce was. I bought a bottle (16oz @ $7), took it home, and darn if it isn't very close to CS Mild. The CS Mild really is a great sauce on ribs. I've got a bottle I've been saving for a special occasion that might get put to use Sunday.
Smoking is an adventure, along the way there are SO many options, it's hard to choose.

Sauce is one of those. Sure, you can put it on early and you'll get a certain type of rib, but don't put any rub on nor worry about what smoke because it won't get any because of the sauce.

Not good, not bad, just a different adventure.

The fun of BBQ for me is learning the steps along the way.

Layers of flavor.

Finishing sauces

All so many things.

The only way to learn it, is to do it.

Don't try to sort it out in advance. BBQ is about doing, cooking, eating, learning your mistakes and making changes and trying new ones.

Some work, some don't.

If you have a couple of racks, experiment. maybe you actually want more sauce on your ribs. Maybe you don't want any (my preference, sauce on the side).

Now get out there, get cookin' and report back to us.

Oh, #1, take good notes, it's your best investment for improving with any cooker.

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