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Slightly confused...have the first brisket in the CS020 right now (9.5 lb choice Excel packer from Costco). Anyway, I have seen a lot of folks discuss different cooking methods. The one that has me a bit confused deals with the last portion of the cook.

Essentially, do most folks just wait until the flat is 190s, then do the poke and prod test on the whole thing (and if it passes it, take it out to let it rest in foil and cooler). OR, do they wait until the flat is 190's, and then cut it off until the point is 210?


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I like to do method 2. I'll cook till 193* in the thickest part of the flat, then test,usually then test, and sometimes test clear to 205* and test some more( see my point???,patience). I like then to split the point off,FTC the flat for 2-3 hrs, season the point slightly where there was no rub and put back in for 2 1/2-3 hrs on 250-75*,then let rest. Sometimes I slice, sometimes I cut in chunks just depends, lots of the time I warm this the next day for BBQ beef sandwiches, sometimes it just doesn't last that long!

Good luck and good eating!
It's all personal preference.

Plenty of people cut and slice the whole thing, based upon the tenderness of the flat.

Cooking the point higher is normally for burnt ends, I don't normally separate it out and cook longer for slicing.

Realize the point will always be more tender (as it's probably 50% fat) so when you poke and prod, go for the center of the flat, where you'll be slicing. That's where you'll get most of your slices from anyway.

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