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I smoke a 12,lb turkey,brined 101 method for 20 hours, 2 oz of hickory,preheated to 250*,put wood and bird in and raised tempurature to 300*.
(Note due to the Sun beating on smokette control box reading inside high temp looked like it was only 236* during the entire cooking time.I might of misread inside temperature due to sun.)
Put in smokette probe in Thigh and weber probe in Breast.Cooking temperature between probes was only 3 to 4 * during the smoke.After 2:45 mins of smoking the probes were 180 and 176. I took out the bird and poked near thigh and breast no liquids came out .I tasted the breast and it was very good.we had dinner and did not see any red anywhere in the bird.The legs appeared to be a little harder to pull from the joints but no red and was very good.
Is it possible that this bird cooked that quick at a temperature of 236*

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