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My wife picked up an 8 1/2 lb tri tip roast this past Saturday and wanted me to fix it?? A guy in the super market wanted one too, but his wife said she didn;t want to heat up the house with the oven......He asked my wife how she was going to fix it and she replied "I just hand it to my husband and it magically appears on the dinner table"

Sunday morning I take the roast out of the frige, rinse it, sprinkle with kosher salt, fresh ground pepper and garlic powder, then inject it with several ounces of balsamic vinegar, cover with foil and place back in the frige.

About 1:30 that afternoon I already had the smoker prepped, lined with foil and used two pieces of cherry, the rost went in, the thermostaat was set to max (250*). My probe was giving me false readings, it's time for a new one, had to go by time fo the first tow hours until the wood settled down. I then placed another probe and used my Maverick, temps look much better now. It was hot here in Maryland, just like everywhere else, had the smoker in the garage and the massive window exhaust fan on.

Internal temps hit 133*, turned off smoker, removed meat and loosely covered with foil to rest on the counter.

After about 30 minutes, had a few slices for dinner and some sides. Very tender and moist. Wrapped the rest of the roast after dinner and placed in the frige.

Monday after work, I took out my meat slicer, set the cutting blade to deli thin and began slicing. Filled up two 1 gallon freezer bags with sliced meat, nice and moist and pink.

Left a few slices in the frige in a sandwich bag, added some to a fresh tossed salad and had some locally grown corn on the cob.....very good!!! I don't think I'll be buying sliced roast beef from the super market anymore.

I know I won't cook any roast in the house anymore either, it always turns out better in the smoker in the garage!!!!!

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