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I tried to find the answer using search, but no luck.

The butt has a good amount of fat on one side. Should this side be up or down? I am thinking up, so the fat rendered will run down and self baste. Is this correct? I rubbed it last night and will start smoking tonight. I am looking for a good bark, if that matters.

I have also purchased some 100% natural hardwood charcoal. I am going to throw a couple pieces in with my hickory wood in the smoke box to help get a smoke ring.

Has anyone ever tried one of the wireless meat probes by Weber? I am thinking about picking one of those up tonight as well.

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One of my 2 Taylor wireless meat probes died a few weeks ago mid smoke with 2 butts. Ran out to the Ace Hardware and though they carry Taylor they don't carry the wireless. They did have the Weber wireless (Called "Weber Style") which I bought (about $25). Upside - It's fairly accurate. Downside (and a big one with me) is that it's not programmable. You select a type of meat (pork, beef, poultry, etc) and it gives you a blanket temp setting. Cannot vary at all to your own desired temp setting.

Once you hit the preset temp, it starts beeping like crazy with no way to silence. In my case, the preset for pork is (as I recall) 180F and I wanted to go to 195F. Beeped all the way through.

Bottom line - I ordered another Taylor and will keep the Weber for emergency backup use only.
Originally posted by dls:
[qb] Downside (and a big one with me) is that it's not programmable. You select a type of meat (pork, beef, poultry, etc) and it gives you a blanket temp setting. Cannot vary at all to your own desired temp setting.

Thanks for the tip. I guess I will be going with another Taylor, only this one will be wireless. I already have the wired version and I like it. I just like the idea of being in my house but still being able to keep an eye on my temps. Im paranoid i guess.

The butt went on at 10:30pm tonight. I just checked on it at midnight (no, I didnt open the door) and it all appears to be ok. The roast has went from 37 deg out of the fridge to its current temp of 73 deg. 3.4 ounces of hickory and two chunks of charcoal. Almost forgot the dang catch pan underneath. When I went down to check, I saw a bit of dribble which was a good reminder.

I'll update in the morning!

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