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I've been waiting to by a CS for the new consumer model to come out.

I'm eager, but would rather wait and at least see the spec sheet. I'm curious, have other CS products been pretty solid right out the door, or have there been a few iterations to fine tune the design? My wife won't let me buy two, so I need to get it right the first time.

Thanks for any comments,
A guy without a CS!
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Thanks for the comments SmokinOkie.

I've held out for a while now, I think I need to keep holding... my fear is that I'll be first in line to buy a new model, then it will have a problem of some sort and I'll wish I had bought the 50.

I just want a smoker.... I smoked some baby-back-ribs in a dutch oven the other night, they turned out great, but I can only fit two racks, maybe three... certainly not a brisket though.

Looking forward to getting a CS soon, It is the season for outdoor cooking.

Hi Centex,

I can't speak for CS at all, but I can't imagine them using some type of new technology that would raise the type of concerns you're having. All the CS models use essentially the same method of cooking to good effect, so other than a size increase, and maybe some type of controller like the commercial models have, I wasn't expecting any thing else to be different. I know if it was me I'd use a combination of parts currently used by other models to keep parts inventory in line. And I'm willing to bet that there won't be a problem with QC on the cabinet. They do a really nice job with craftsmanship.
It's Silver... (or does it have a powder coat?)

It's Electric

And anything else, CS will have to tell us. Stuarts been in R&D and I saw a prototype last fall.

But I'll be at CS next Friday picking up the Comp Trailer for a contest and I'll see if Stuart will let me take some photos.

Big Grin
Very funny, RaiderBill. We still have not come up with a name for it, maybe we'll call it James Bond's Boss' Butt.

I wish I had specifics for you, but it will be a couple of weeks, probably. If you want to speed it up, email Stuart at and tell him that you want me to post the features and dimensions on the forum. He will kill me for this.

We are anticipating having the first ones to ship in about 8 - 12 weeks. It still has to go through UL, which is why we are so vague. They have a way of changing things in mid-stream and we don't want to sound like a bunch of idiots. Just part of the process.

It is wider than a Model 50, I THINK the grill dimensions are 18x14" so you can fit an entire slab of ribs and whole briskets in it. Do not come to me complaining if the grills end up being 19 x 13 or something. I am telling you that this is what I think and I could be wrong.

It has some sort of electronic controller, casters, and I begged for an on/off light but I don't know if it has one or not.

They are doing test cooking in Ponca City as I write. As far as I know it's cooking just fine. That's about all I know.
Donna, Thanks for sharing some info, I understand everything is subject to change still.

I'm holding out on ordering until I can learn more, but I'll buy one cs or another, either way.

I'm an Engineer and specialize in Regulatory approvals, I understand how the UL approval phase can be; hopefully you'le blaze right through it, and sell me something before this wonderfull weather turns too hot!

But I'll be at CS next Friday picking up the Comp Trailer for a contest and I'll see if Stuart will let me take some photos.

Big Grin [/QB][/QUOTE]

Sorry 1st post, pressed wrong button!


Did you manage to take some photos?

very interested to see what is on the way as I am yet to take the plunge and part with money....
I emailed Stuart and this is what he told me...

Hi Mark,

I don�t have exact outside dimensions with me, I am in Phoenix this week at a Chain Restaurant exec�s conference� The rack size will be 14� X 18�. We have finalized the exact inside dimensions but the plan is for there to be 4 racks 5� apart. The unit should hold about 50 pounds of heavy cuts of meat and between 8 and 10 slabs of ribs. The controller will be a cook and hold controller that also has a meat probe that will allow you to cook to an internal temperature and then drop into the hold mode. We just received the prototype controller late last week and will begin testing on it this week. If all goes well we are probably looking at introducing it in about 8 weeks. The list price will probably be around $1,495.

Hope that helps, we should have some of this info on the forum early next week.

Hope this help's all !!
This Friday is next Friday By Eck Lad.

If I remember to take my camera and I remember to ask Stuart AND he has one he'll let me take pictures of..

..but remember, they really don't want to put the information out until it's finalize because once it's out there everyone will be asking more questions than CS can answer.

Patience everyone, when it's DONE it's DONE Big Grin
I have a 50 but WILL be selling it to someone because I found out I won't be able to trade it in. SO when the new model comes out I'll be look'in to sell. It's about a year old with a cover and if the new one comes with a internal probe heck I'll throw in a new remote thermometer too.
Geez, you guys don't give me a break...

it was EASTER you know, and bad news buy my new Grandbaby is the priority....

I didn't get details Bill, just Photos which I'll TRY to post this week. Bill, that's "try"

I have my first Q contest of the year Friday and a few things to get ready...

Never fear...just be patient...
Here you go, 'ole 007 finally has photos of the mission.

Disclaimer...I'll let Stuart answer all the new model questions as he is still finalizing the details.

Apologize for the larger images, but I knew you'd want to see details.

You'll notice a couple of things. Electronic control, two vents, probe thermometer (for a set to hold feature when the food hits a certain temp)

Side by size with a Smokette:




Outside, closed:
Yeah, good news it looks real good.

Especially with the cook and automatic hold feature. Think about those late night (how long will this take). Put a brisket in, set the internal temp and it goes to hold when the temp is reached. At least that's how it was explained, but Stuart and tell us how it really is going to happen.

And it looks like it has a larger firebox, so need to get those details from Stuart also. What's the max temp of this unit going to be?

Bad news is looks real good and a few CS owners will be wanting to sell their old models.

Sell them to your friends and you'll help them learn how to use it.

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