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Okay, the 9 1/2 pound brisket is in the Smokette, slathered with mustard and coated with CS Rib Rub (what I had on hand . . . I do a lot of cooking that way!) Now to the question . . .

I had to fold the thin portion under in order to get this into the smoker. Do I have to unfold it at some point or will it just shrink and extend on its own?

Or will it just cook okay folded over, never needing to stretch out?

If I should unfold it, at what point?

Unless I hear otherwise, I'm planning on playing lazy, knocking back a brew or two and letting the meat fend for itself!

I knew that I should have gotten a bigger oven! And to think . . . the next one up with a larger set of grates only costs $2700 more! Eeker
I think I'll learn to live with warped meat!
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Thanks, Mike. I think, looking over an awful lot of these posts, especially here in the FNG (Friggin' New Guy) Section, that most of us are so sure that there must be some mystique involved in cooking Q' in the CS that we tend to make things much more difficult than they have to be.

I know that I continue to be amazed at how simple Stuart and the CS folks have made this . . . and how truly forgiving the CS is for the neophyte like me! Big Grin

Cog, the CS is forgiving to every one of us. When you cook on a CS, your Q does not compete with competes with competition Q. It's better than any we've had in our travels, eating at Q joints over the decades. Any.

To address your statement: There is no mystique in Q...only those who won't share what they know and make you feel that without knowing ~THE~ "secrets", you can't produce good Q.

Most of us who have been Qing for some time, and have selected a CS, understand the above and scoff at the myths that are shoved at newbies. For example:

"You can't do it without burning straight wood because you can taste the charcoal and/or the gas". Bull! You can cook with most anything but camel poop and not taste the fuel, if it's "clean".

"If you alow your pit temp to vary more than a very few degrees, your Q is going to be inferior". Bull! We've walked away from the pit and have seen the temp raise to almost 400 for several minutes. And, we've had it go out on us and drop well below 100. The food was just fine both times.

"If you get spikes in your pit temp, your food will dry out". Bull! See above.

"Without a _______ (fill in the blank: marinade, rub, paste, mop, etc.) your Q will be unflavorful". Bull! Try salt and pepper. It's mundane, but it's great.

"You need to coat your ribs with mustard or olive oil and mop them or they'll dry out"
Bull! We've compared ribs and briskets in the same cooker at the same time and there was no discernable difference. What you can do is get more rub to stick with oil or mustard.

"If you don't rub your meat (at least) many hours before smoking, the rub (mop, paste, marinade) won't permeate the meat". Bull! Again, compare it for yourself.

"Never cook above 250". Bull! When holding a Qfest in our home, an old time Qer and pit builder attended. He cooked a brisket and some spares at an average temp of between 325-350. The Q was fine, although most wouldn't privately admit that to each other.

"Never cook below 250 because the meat will turn out tough". Bull! We've now cooked briskets as low as 180 for hours.

What the CS does for you is remove the myths. Qers say not to cook below 225-250 simply because it's difficult to maintain. You try holding a pit at 180 without making your own coals as you go. That is a lot of work!

We're not trying to revolutionize anything. Nor are we blaspheming other methods. Simply dispelling myths for what they are...lore. Not suggesting that you can't make great Q by following religiously every one of the contradicted "facts" above. Just saying that you can ignore all of them (even in the same cooking) and still make great Q.

And, perhaps the most incredible statement that we have read over and over again, "When you have the experience I (we) have, you'll then make Q as well as I (we) do". Such a crock!

We've tasted many of the commenters Q. It's wonderful. Yet, it's no better than you're turning out this afternoon in your CS. But, it's a heck of a lot more work for them.

Therein lies the mystique can they remain special if Cog can make great Q the first time out? Answer: they can't. Thus, the "need" for the art of fire tending in order to make great Q. When we became "artists" at fire tending there was no difference in the quality of our Q. We did, however, work hard to make it.

With a simple CS purchase and an owner's manual, you have the equipment and the knowledge to compete with most any other Qer for final product. True, you're not involved in an art form at that point. But, if it's art of Q you're seeking, you'd be cooking on a Klose, or whatever.

We're lazy. Here's what we did for our briskets this weekend:

Didn't trim them before or after cooking.. cooked as they came to us uncryovac'd. (If folks don't like fat, they can trim it from each slice we serve them.)

Rubbed them just before putting on pit. No other prep was done.

Cooked for hours at 180. Only raised to 225 near the end.

Added fresh wood. (Next time will add fresh wood twice.)

No mops, no sprays, no basting, no nuttin' else.

You'll make brisket every bit as good as we just did from your first time out, but you won't be making it any better than this. Not with mops, bastes, long sitting times with rubs, long sitting times with marinades.

Ok, why the long diatribe? Because there is one thing the old time myth Qers have that most all newbies don't have...yet, and it's a VERY important thing to have when you're involved in a subjective hobby such as food preparation. Confidence.

The best Q in the world is the Q that your family likes. For me, there's no better feeling than the unspoken praise I get when I watch family and friends eat my Q until it's all gone. The first time that happens for you, your confidence will be there, along with the smile on your face.

Regards, Mike

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