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Okay, Like I don't have enough to do....

Still working on the Ham and Turkey 101's for the Holidays, butt...

Wanted to throw out that I'm updating the PB101 so now is the time to make comments, suggestions etc.

Here's some of the photos I'll probably add since it doesn't have any Photos currently.

Still having a little difficulty with the new Megapixel digital, but I'll have it sorted out soon.

Here's the finished product:

Seasoned up and ready for serving:

For those of you who've never sliced your PB, here's what it looks like:
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Beautiful hunk of pork butt smoked 2 ways SmokinOkie. Great photos too.
I read what you say in your signature about a smoke-ring, but you have one on your sliced pork do you not?
See how green I am at the BBQ game? I can't even tell what a smoke ring truly look like. Seriously I remember the days when my smoke rings looked like the prettiest charcoal black color you've ever seen.
Did you cook this good looking BBQ in a Cookshack smoker? if so which model?
The reason I ask is because I have read on some forum messages that the cookshacks do not produce a smoke ring.
Thanks again for all your help.
We can certainly discuss the smoke ring and I notice that also.

These were cooked in a Model 150, no charcoal in the wood box (which can add a SR) most likely is that it's a slight cure caused by the rub. Use Head Country Championship Seasoning (popular on the circuit and also made in Ponca City Oklahoma).

For the slice, I pulled it at 180 and this is the one I removed the bone, so a modified butterfly. I wanted to do a bone in and a bone out.

And the photos are all mine, as they're fuzzy and out of focus, not like your quality ones in your post Wink
Actually tasted really good. Got several requests for smoking some butts, since about the only time okies get this stuff is when I do them. Still relative new around here, most just don't know what to do with them.

And seasoning after pulling really helps give it a little extra zing.

Thanks CB.
Originally posted by SmokinOkie:
[qb] Actually tasted really good. Got several requests for smoking some butts, since about the only time okies get this stuff is when I do them. Still relative new around here, most just don't know what to do with them.

And seasoning after pulling really helps give it a little extra zing.

Thanks CB. [/qb]

What seasoning do you put on after the pulling? Inquiring (newbie) minds want to know.

Mike C

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