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WTH? AmeriQue Broken after 2 hours of break-in!!??

The smoker was delivered TODAY in time for Christmas dinner. Packaging was great and it arrived in perfect condition. Good job there!

I start the seasoning procedure, 4 hours @ 200* with 3 chunks of wood. Everything is working beautifully until 2 hours in. Then the display screen goes hieroglyphic on me and plastic smelling smoke is coming from the top under control module.

I unplug the smoker, remove the screws securing the control module and see/smell plastic burning smoke coming from where the plugs go into the unit. Not sure if this plastic smoke is just part of the break-in procedure, but I am ABSOLUTELY sure the non-functioning display is not.

Hoping Xmas dinner is not ruined. WHAT CAN I DO?


PS. Sorry this is my first post and introduction, but it is my first experience with CookShack.
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I received the replacement control module from Tony at CookShack next day air. Nice way to step it up!

I installed the new control module today for tomorrows feast... but it is worse than the first one.

After plugging in the unit with the probe installed everything starts as normal. I am able to select the cook temperature and change it. But when I select probe I get hieroglyphics again! I cannot even see what I am doing when I select a different probe temperature.

Unfortunately, I assumed the replacement control module would work. I guess I have to roast my ham and turkey this year Frowner

just curious. the probe temp can be set without the probe plugged in; does the probe temp show w/o probe in place? Looks like the smoker may still heat even tho' the probe sensor may be bad; then again the probe part amy work after everything warms up. Just check the meat with a separate temp probe like an instant read therm.

Yes, KAPN, the AmQ works w/o the probe in a timer mode. The probe is an option.
Originally posted by TN Q:
just curious. the probe temp can be set without the probe plugged in; does the probe temp show w/o probe in place? Looks like the smoker may still heat even tho' the probe sensor may be bad; then again the probe part amy work after everything warms up. Just check the meat with a separate temp probe like an instant read therm.

Yes, KAPN, the AmQ works w/o the probe in a timer mode. The probe is an option.

Good to know.

Originally posted by KAPN:
I do not own an Amerique and all I know is what I read on the main site.
It says the probe is optional.
Will the smoker work without the probe using just cook temp?

Thinking about buying one down the road.
Just curious.



I have had my Amerique since October, and out of ~ 30 cooking sessions, I have used my probe once. I prefer to use my remote dual channel thermometers (Maverick ET73).
That was my hope last night. The AQ still had heat. But then the display numbers for the oven temp went crazy (could not read the temp). So, I tested the oven temp with my remote thermometer and still had good/steady temp. I went to bed with the intention on smoking blind with an external thermometer in the morning.... but that was NO GOOD!

When I woke up today, the AQ would turn on, but it refused to go through the electrical solenoid test (the initial clicks), the screen turned green but nothing could bee seen on it. The ONLY button that worked was the on/off button. I swapped out the control module with the old one, but it did the same thing except it clicks once. Frowner

The turkey is now in the oven for a slow roast...

Thanks for the response.
Originally posted by lokmeup:
That was my hope last night. The AQ still had heat. But then the display numbers for the oven temp went crazy (could not read the temp). So, I tested the oven temp with my remote thermometer and still had good/steady temp. I went to bed with the intention on smoking blind with an external thermometer in the morning.... but that was NO GOOD!

When I woke up today, the AQ would turn on, but it refused to go through the electrical solenoid test (the initial clicks), the screen turned green but nothing could bee seen on it. The ONLY button that worked was the on/off button. I swapped out the control module with the old one, but it did the same thing except it clicks once. Frowner

The turkey is now in the oven for a slow roast...

Thanks for the response.

I feel your pain, man. Try not to let it ruin your holiday. CS will make it right; that's my experience wih them. You'll be a smokin' fool in no time, and you'll have a story to tell.

Hang in there and keep the faith.

Sorry to hear about the problems with your Christmas present.I'm sure it's disappointing! You've got the right idea about calling CS Monday morning. The good thing is you'll get to talk with some fine folks that speak English and will make it right with you. NO one has better customer service then them, they care as if you are family, which you are now.
Hozer, received my AQ thur afternoon. set up to season and started. after 35 min, same thing as you happened. I checked the breaker, the outlet and all were fine. unscrewed the controler off and as soon as I moved the controler it started its startup clicking. seems the yellow plug did not stay in good contact when i was moving AQ. Pushed firmly in and has worked fine thru seasoning and smoking a ham for christmas dinner. maybe yours is the same problem.
Mine was fogging up and then did the same thing. They replaced the controler once and the second time they asked me to send the smoker back for replacement. I upgraded to a FEC 100 instead. Was your controler fogging up? Funny, but the new cover they sent me with the AQ was not water proof. I would take the controler off and blow all the moisture out of it with a reverse vac and it worked sometimes that way. Anyway, AQ is gone, FEC100 is here, loving life.
Equipment malfunction don’t hold any prejudges, unfortunately they hit every product. Here is a quote from a post on another forum I follow. I have not heard of this happing with a CS smoker. Customer service is a huge part of the product. IMHO .

Quote “ As I sit here on """HOLD""" for Masterbuilt for now 30 min for the 3rd time today, I am really second guessing this POS. Customer service rivals a call to China directly and equipment quality that is on par with the building blocks for 2 year olds.
Boy Chef, you've got that right! CS has the best Customor support i've seen. I bought a Masterbuilt at Sams and Went thru four controlers. Sams replaced the unit once but after that I was on my own. Wiring brunt up and nearly burnt down the house. Called them and they offered to sell me another (improved model) at a discount. Even if I had to put a hotplate in the bottom of the cookshack to get heat, I'd still use it. I saw the new fancy masterbuilts at a sporting good's store. Nice and shiny, but oh, the headache. Never would come up to full time. Took nine 7-9 hours to do a full load of ribs, with the meat hanging in the danger zone far too long! I love my cookshack and really love my FE100. The thing weights over 400 pounds! Must be some quality in there somewhere.

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