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Cooked my 1st brisket yesterday on my 08. I used the 2000-2001 Winning recipe I found on the CS website. I had 8 adults and a few kids, all who had never eaten a brisket, including me. It was Fantastic!!! It was a 6 lb us choice flat from BJ's, marinated 24 hrs, rubbed /wrapped & in fridge for 10 hours. I put it on @ 10 pm @ 200 deg, and raised temp next morning to 225. after 13 hours it was hanging around 180 deg on one probe & 176 on the other.( I also have a brand new polder that only reads 500* +) At 14 hours I was getting curious. I opened up & put in a manual probe. It registerer 200* +. I took it out, put on finishing sauce ,wrapped & put in cooler.--- One probe was brand new(Trutemp) & the other was an old Taylor. I don't know what was going on there, but I think the manual probe was reading high,& the other 2 low, as the brisket sliced great & was really, really tender. I want to thank the forum for all the info. without that I doubt that I would have achieved perfection the first time out. Oh yeah baby, there were NO leftovers!!
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