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This is a follow up from the topic "Dry Brisket" from UP1NSMOKE:

I have a local butcher (Whole Foods Chain) who can order whole packers that he says are "Choice or better". He states that this "Choice or better" cut is pot luck and runs from Choice to even Prime.(??) This is one of the few shops that will order a whole brisket w/o me taking the whole case.

Has anyone heard of this "choice or better" grade of brisket, and is it worth the $1.50/lb extra price over Sam's large choice flats.

I plan to smoke a brisket probably once per month and have no stand alone freezer (yet).
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Choice or better from Whole Foods will be more than adequate for cooking at home but how much is $1.50/lb over flats? Out here, we pay $1.89 or $1.99 for our whole briskets when they are not on special and crazy prices like $4.50 for the flat only at the regular grocery store. They are over $6 at Whole Foods. Whole briskets are one of the greatest things in the world and flats by themselves really dont compare (IMHO). With that in mind, if you are talking about paying $5-6/lb when pork butts are as inexpensive as they are it gets tough to justify.
Last edited by Former Member
Originally posted by woody409:...if you are talking about paying $5-6/lb when pork butts are as inexpensive as they are it gets tough to justify.
Yeah it would be 4.50lb here, which is why I haven't bought one..yet(if anything I'm cheap).

I AM interested in trying out the best cut I can find, just to test/set a bench mark for brisket at my skill level.
Last edited by Former Member
My last case of briskets was prime grade, had two in the case that were over 17 lbs. each and ran me $2.44 per lb. Of course, I was fortunate enough to know a business that would let me order under their Sysco account but they were really nice briskets.

You might want to get in touch with Vande Rose meats out of Iowa and see if they have any distributors in your area. They are not real large briskets but they have excellent flavor. And just so you know, this is not the brand of my last case.
I'm preparing Todd's beans, throwing them in my smoker, and heading out to two grocers--the nearest IGA to check out their Choice briskett and The Nugget to check out their Vande Rose Beef.

My Brother in Law is coming in from Chicago this weekend, and I want to smoke something for him. Besides, I'm wanting to cut something with the new Forschner's.
Well. The IGA doesn't carry brisket. California strikes again. The meat manager did recommend a meat house in Orangevale (the next town over). They cut their own meat, and they've got great meats.

So I went over and talked to the owner/meat manager. They get all their meat from a farm outside Kansas City. Their choice is the upper 5%, right next to prime. He simply said, "You're going to like our meat." I got a 13 lb. full packer brisket at $2.99/lb. It looks beautiful. Well marbled. Nice, full fat cap.

Funny thing. The meat manager said, "I hope you're going to slow cook this thing. I mean really slooooww cook it." "And don't cut the fat off until it's done smoking."

He really knows his meats. Sold me a couple huge porterhouse steaks and some andouille sausage. I like this guy. I just might not be able to afford him. Big Grin
OMG. If the Porterhouse steaks were an example of this guy's meats, I'm in for a real treat when I smoke the brisket at the end of next week. That was the best steak we've grilled in the 30 years we've been in California. I guess he was accurate when he smiled at me and said, "You're going to enjoy this meat."

This may be the best cut of meat my grill has seen, and even though this guy's prices are a little higher, I've, at least, found my source for both brisket and meat for special occasions.

nmaggie69, thanks for steering me to IGA for a brisket. Even though our IGA doesn't carry brisket, it was the IGA Meat Manager that recommended this meat house to me. Never would have found it without you.
A tag, on to the sharing some of the packer with the meat manager.

Pork butts are cheap,so catch them at $1.25/lb,cook a couple large 2 pacs.

Take him one whole,when he and the ass't mngr will be working,around mealtime.

A small bottle of Smokin's Vinegar sauce.

A small shaker of rub.

Have it wrapped hot,open the foil,break it down in a couple mins for them ,in the opened foil.

Give it a light sprinkle of rub and a few squirts of sauce.

Let them toss it with their hands ,and stand there and eat.

Thank them for their help.

You ARE now the MAN.

You'll be amazed how many cases of just marked down meats ,fish,and poultry come your way.

Your phone calls always get answered.

Amazing, what less than $15 product and a little personal touch,along with a COOKSHACK,can accomplish.

Remember,they won't EVER get a butt like that!

You can ask,how all us old guys know this. Wink
After a search w/o certainty I'll just ask:

How long past the kill/pack date on the case can you keep cryovac brisket in a cold fridge?

If looking over a fresh case or two of cryovac'd brisket at market - what is the top 1 or 2 things to look for when selecting the best one for smoking in CS?


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