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This may come as a shock but I've never prepared brisket bunrt ends per se. I've got a 14# CAB brisket coming out of plateau at the moment and would like to serve burnt ends, maybe even some BOINKS as an appetizer.

I was planning to foil the packer once done and let it rest an hour, seperate the flat and point, FTC the flat. Once trimmed of excess fat and cubed, I'll return the B.E's to the smoker (Amerique) and knock it up to 300. Would I better off tossing them into a 350 oven to save some time?

Thanks. I feel better now having confessed my B.E. ignorance Big Grin
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I'm no expert ,but have cooked them on most varmits I could.

Some packers may be ready to give up the point,the same time as the flat.Some like to go back in the cooker a couple,three hrs at the same temp as the packer was cooked.

I've not seen them be great if hot cooked,as this ain't deep fryin'.

Some packers may not have enough point to be worth messin' with.

Don't always need trimmin'.
You have to squeeze the bites and see if that is what you like to eat.You have to judge.

Now,I suppose some other folks may chime in with their thoughts.

Just my $0.02
I made a LARGE batch of BE on Memorial day from the 19.5lb packer I smoked. My first attempt at BE. Sliced the entire point into 1" cubes, and did just as Trucky said.

Presented them to the guests gathered and watched them disappear. Of course I ate plenty myself :-)

Not even close to the fantastic KCBS comp quality BE I have enjoyed, but OK for my first try, and they were enjoyed by all.
Just made some this weekend for first time. When the brisket was done, I separated the point from the flat, cut it into small chunks, put them into a pie plate, dusted with rub and a little sauce, then back into the smoker for about 90 minutes. Turned out fabulous. For me, I think if I had let them go any longer, they would have started to dry out.
Originally posted by SmokinMAINEiac:
I made a LARGE batch of BE on Memorial day from the 19.5lb packer I smoked. My first attempt at BE. Sliced the entire point into 1" cubes, and did just as Trucky said.

Presented them to the guests gathered and watched them disappear. Of course I ate plenty myself :-)

Not even close to the fantastic KCBS comp quality BE I have enjoyed, but OK for my first try, and they were enjoyed by all.

What temp? I cook mine at 250 for around 2.5-3 hours.
Originally posted by WayneB:
Originally posted by SmokinMAINEiac:
I made a LARGE batch of BE on Memorial day from the 19.5lb packer I smoked. My first attempt at BE. Sliced the entire point into 1" cubes, and did just as Trucky said.

Presented them to the guests gathered and watched them disappear. Of course I ate plenty myself :-)

Not even close to the fantastic KCBS comp quality BE I have enjoyed, but OK for my first try, and they were enjoyed by all.

What temp? I cook mine at 250 for around 2.5-3 hours.

I did it the same way you did. 250 for 2-3 hours. I did not add any additional wood, just used the smokiness of the seasoned somker to flavor the BE.
Speaking of Burnt Ends, has anyone been successful at buying and cooking just Points? I have lots of people asking me to do Burnt Ends for them.
With all these Flats I see for sale, something has to be happening to the Points.
Guess I need to talk to the butchers at Costco and Wegmans and see what they are doing with the Points.
Originally posted by SmokinOkie:

So, how did they turn out?

The 14 lb packer took 2 hrs longer than expected...was upgainst the wall with arriving guests. I'll definately give them a try, the next brisket I smoke. Just found out one of my meat purveyors in Boston is now selling SNF Wagyu briskets for $5.95 @ lb. No more riduculous 2nd day FedEx charges Smiler Smiler Smiler
Originally posted by WayneB:
With all these Flats I see for sale, something has to be happening to the Points.

I've checked with all the big providers, little guys, etc.

They typically keep the points and sell them to several large US companies that then turn them into BBQ products (they didn't specify) and/or they ship them to Japan who will pay more per PD than the US for that meat.

Outside of K.C. not sure if you can find them.

But check, stranger things have happened, maybe your butcher is hording them.

At the restaurant, we go through enough briskets now that keeping the points isn't a problem.
Originally posted by WayneB:
Speaking of Burnt Ends, has anyone been successful at buying and cooking just Points? I have lots of people asking me to do Burnt Ends for them.
With all these Flats I see for sale, something has to be happening to the Points.
Guess I need to talk to the butchers at Costco and Wegmans and see what they are doing with the Points.

Wayne, we always separate the point at comps prior to cooking for burnt ends. I find them much easier to cook this way but you will need to wrap them in foil once you get the color you want to prevent them from drying out.

Mexican supermarkets often sell points but I have never found a steady source of them. I know many points end up as ground beef.
Like AZScott says about burgers.

Many chains get the meat shipped in cryovac and for insurance reasons don't have grinders.

When I'd search out all the independents and local kill/package plants they would just make better money selling flats,or cut them up as small roasts,etc.
The points,or noseoff just got tossed into the grind barrel and sold as "market choice" ground beef.

Like Smokin' says,and Eddy tells me,the KCMO packing houses can get them.

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