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Have other Cookshack Smokette owners experienced a fluctuation in temperature? I have had a wood smoker for many years and replaced it with this Cookshack product because of the "set it and forget it" concept.

I have smoked on this for about two months and have been noticing an irregularity with the temperature. I finally put a oven therometer in there and set it at 200 degrees. It got upto 204 and start slowly going down to 185 and then spiked upto 220 for about 20 minutes.

I know I ask the obvious question. Did I miss something in the operating instructions?

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This question is asked from time to time... fact is that the electric element in the CS will go over and under the set point as it cycles on and off... the overwhelming consesus is -- it doesn't matter. As long as you temp swing is within about 30 degrees, everything is operating as planned. You'll find your meat will come up to temp nicely over the length of the cook. You'll also find less variance in oven temps when it is running full, versus with something small in there. I think a full CS holds a more even temp... versus an oven with just a little food in it.

Obvious questions are okay. And you can still set it, but I wouldn't forget it.

Look at what your stating. Set it at 200, with a low of 185 and a high of 220? Is that really an issue. +/- 20 degrees is good. Some actually get more like 30 or more.

Don't think it's a problem. Most stick burners will have spikes also, when you add wood etc.

There are a LOT of questions about fluctuations, I found 17 on that word in a search.

It's not a problem. The Average is what you need to be concerned with. If you set it at 200 and it averages 200, you'll be fine.

Trust me, I've done enough Q over the years, that slight variations in temp will not matter one bit.

Welcome to the forum

hi and welcome bb,
we get those flucuations too and like everyone has said they don't matter if your average is ok.
what you might like to do is get a cheap taylor remote thermometer and a little spiral note book from like target and just keep a log. it helps pass the time since you can't fiddle with door opening, ect. heck you could even get really complicated and list meat type, weight, weather conditions-the whole 9 yards. it sure has helped my product since it stopped me from goofing around like i do with my trusty rusty bullet smoker.
have fun
you will love your new unit
To all that responded. Mucho thanks. I was about ready to take it back to Cabellas due to this preceived malfunction. I guess the gist of this is, the less meat, the more fluctuating temperature but it all averages out. When I had my New Bransfel upright, there was lots of fluctuating going on and I just thought that the Cookshack would act more like an oven and less like a smoker.

My mistake. All the meats I have gotten out it have been great except it sometimes takes longer than expected.

The other discussion item I have is smoke ring. Where did it go? I never had a problem with the wood smoker getting all the ring and more. I tried one experiment with the Cookshack where I soaked the wood the night before and then let it air dry 30 minutes before I used them. Got more smoke but the ring was lacking.

Still experimenting. Thanks for all of your help.
On the smoke before my last one, I did 2-13 lb briskets and 2-8 lb butts for a neighborhood thing. That pretty much fills up a Smokette. And just for grins I monitored the �swing� temp inside. Having it full did seem to shorten the time in the peaks and valleys but I still saw something close to 20 degrees in variations. It was the first time I bothered to check the �swing� and the last. I don�t care. What comes out at the other end is all that matters and my little CS cranks out the best.
I agree with arkansasQer, I set the probe in the meat, set the probe alarm setting, set the temp dial on the CS and sit back. When the alarm goes off I open the door and insert an instant thermometer for a double check and if ready eat it. I don't care what the temperature is inside the box unless it isn't cooking at all. We never let the meat set wrapped or left open, we don't like cold meat. We have the rest of the meal ready and waiting and eat the best part of the meal HOT.

Using my old offset wood burner (went to the dump) and my active ceramic dome - had them both go out at times while trying for a real slow smoke, and you talking about a temperature swing...

Now unlike the Greyhounds I don't keep records and sometimes we have a mess, but overall the least we do while smoking the better. I ain't never won no contest either, but them there neighbors and friends like it.

Why all of the friends and neighbors in? Well! two people can't eat seven full slabs of ribs just trying to see how many ribs I can cook in the CS55 at one time - I wouldn't take Smokins word for it (mistake). By the time we called every body in to help eat'um up, we went through two bottles of Jack Daniels and a case or two of beer. You can't serve CoolAid with ribs. Big Grin

Originally posted by smokemullet:
[qb] ... I wouldn't take Smokins word for it (mistake).

smokemullet [/qb]

You doubt me Big Grin

Did you miss this in the "lessons for beginners" post.


10. If in your research you come across two different opinions � take the one offered by Smokin� Okie - he is never wrong! He could have led Dante through hell.
See Cool

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