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New to this .. got my CS on the way delivery it Monday .. mostly since I have read all the forum post convinced me to get one

Pick up two butts from Sam�s .. cut in two already .. about 7 lbs a piece .. now the question I have is some of you have talked about deboning them ..

I cant for the life of me figure out .. how to debone this thing ..

Planning on getting my smoker tomorrow .. burning it in during the week . then smoking this bad boy late Saturday night into Sunday for lunch

Any help I would enjoy .. thank you in advance for your help
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Welcome SmokinBear,

You may be a cub but with the Cookshack oven you will be smokin like a grizzly!

What I do is use two knives...I use one of the long serrated knives (bread knife) and a sharp deboning knife or steak knife.

On one side of the butt on the end you should see the blade bone. I slip the sharp deboning knife and in right next to the blade bone and run it along the bone. Then when that is done I insert the serrated bread knife and in a straight line run it along the blade bone and horizontally out to the end of the butt.

The you can butterfly open the butt and you will see the bone. Run the debone knife and bread knife around, let gravity and the knife do the work.

I also trim the excess fat and skin. I like doing this butterfly method when I ook butts in either of the following 2 methods:

1) Make a cuban dish called Bolici. With plenty of Mojo seasoning and a sausage called corizzo of chorizo I lay that in the center of the butt and tie it into a roll. I then smoke (use very little or no wood) roast it until 180 F internal temp. I baste about half way with crushed pureed tomatoes and mojo. I let the juices drain down from the roast to drip on a sliced potatoes. That with some frijoles negros' (black beans) and rice with some fried plaintains makes me a very happy floridian.

2) I score the butt and cover with mustard and rub. I then just smoke it as I do enjoy a lot of bark and the scoring adds a lot more surface area. I never ever had a dry pulled pork with this method. There are girls at work who look like supermodels and when I bring in pulled pork I get the nicest hugs. And who said BBQ is not sexy!!!

Take care!
hey, smokinbear! Why debone on your first trip out?? Just hit those butts, as is, with a dry rub the night before, then set em in the smoker at 225 with just a few chunks of wood, and a probe in the middle. Pull em when they hit 200 internal temp. Simple. Do it overnight, cause it will take about 12 hours give or take a few Big Grin

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