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Thanks to all for the great input from the Q'rues here. It made my first butt/s come off like I bin doin it for ages (least the gang tought so).

Smokin's baste and serve was a hit but his mustard sauce took the show and I'm usin on everything I can.

Put the butts in @ 3:30 am @ 225 w/3 med chunk of CS hickory. Checked @ 9:00 am, did baste, flopped over (don't know if it's cool to do) added a 1/2 hour to guestimated time and took out @ 2:00 pm.

Buttiful solid bark, nice rack marks on both sides, bone did wiggle good then dbl foil & towel to the cooler.

Serve time 6:00 pm (is it right?) you bet!
Fell off the bone, a bit uh pull and all loved it.

Summary: Smoke time 10.5 hrs, good solid bark, 4hrs in cooler and still to hot ta handle without mitts, tender, juicy and a great feed.

Next time I'll only do 1 butt as I just did get 2 butts (about 6.75 ea) in the 008 & 1 is plenty for 10 - 12 people.

Thanks to all again & now on ta the "Brisket"
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