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OK so I seasoned my little Smokette and wanted to try my hand at a little Carolina style feed. Invited a few firends over, actually it was an excuse to clean the house b'cus boy it needed it! Anyway for the past few days I've been searching the all the posts and the Butt 101 for hints and suggestions...took a little from here and there and made my own plan.

Actually 2 butts at the same time the pork I used was not pre-injected as some are(I really don't eat that stuff) about 5-6lbs. each and bone in. I sampled both rubs that came with the CS and ended up using the spicy chicken rub, most of my own rubs in the past have had included sugar and so I wanted to try something different. I cut some criss-cross marks and rubbed them the night before. Started at 'bout 5:30am put them on at 220' with three smallish chunks of hickory. Total cook time was 11 hours...

I think for the first attempt the results were very very good...Good smoky flavor without being too much. Very easy to pull and very moist. Appearence though was darker than I thought is was going to be.
The general concensus was thumbs up all around.. and these people know food!

I did have have a few questions..

I checked the temps a few times and it seemed that they got to 160' internal within 5 hours.

Is that too quick??

I thought it was so I lowerd the temp to 200' and let them go for 3 more. The temp was at that point 180' and they were real tender. I figured at that point to hold them till 6:00pm and put the temp down to 150' The result was real good.

I did not mop..should I have? Does this produce the 'bark' that I'm hearing about. Mind you the outside of the meat did have a dark soft 'crust' which was a bit thin but real tasty. Does the sugar in the other rub help this along?

I think my hesitation to mop was that I thought there would be too much heat and smoke loss with repeated openings of the smoker...?

It also seemed that the smoke did not get all the way into the meat. What do you think?

I also didn't use a brine or inject like I have in the past using chicken in other smokers; and again there was no problem with miosture loss.

To be honest there aren't many good BBQ places around here to go and sample and compare. The ones that are here like to cook ribs and beef. I'll get to that point but not right now.

Thats it for now, got some mighty good leftovers to eat up today.

...A big salute and a tear for those lost fighting for our country....

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Sounds like it worked out quite well.

Benefit of the CS is that the butts will stay moist. I do not mop, and I think the door opening would draw out moisture. The smoke does not penetrate very far, so chop or pull and mix in the bark with the rest. And the drawback to CS (if there is one) is that you will not get the crispy bark that you would with a wood-burner. For butts and briskets, I think the benefit outweighs the drawback Big Grin

Woodburner pretty well covered it and you seem to have a good handle on the butts,as well.

When you fixed them at 180�,were they pullable or did you slice or chop them?

The sugar in the rub will be much of your bark building.

I would use it heavy the night before and again ,before you place in the cooker.

It is hard to overseason a butt,since you have a small surface,compared to the weight of meat.

As woodburner said,mixing the bark in will add a lot of flavor to the pork.

If you haven't,you might try mixing a little vinegar style sauce and a little of your rub-as you pull the pork.
Hey Guys,

Thanx for the feedback!

You know there's so much information exchanged here that it almost confusing..but in a good way!

The meat was 'pull apart' tender at the 180' mark. Once everyone was ready to eat I just took a pair of tongs and pulled bits and chunks off and served it with a homemade mustardy-vinegary-spicy style sauce, homemade slaw, corn, and cheap white hamburger buns.


There is now a ton of real good wild Copper River salmon(these babies are massive!!) running around here now so that will be my next CS adventure.


Eeker Big Grin

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