So, I had an interesting problem this morning with a couple of pork shoulders I tried to smoke for a picnic this afternoon. Last night at 8:00 PM, I rubbed 2 ten pound pork shoulder's and placed them in my SM025 at 225.
This morning, at 3:45 AM, I woke up early and took the dog and noticed that both shoulders were registering 192 degrees. I thought I might have had the probes touching the bone, or in a large pocket of fat. I double-checked with my Thermapen and sure enough, both shoulder's were done!
Now, I've done several pork butt's in the past, and everyone has taken 16 hours to finish at 225 degrees. These took just a bit over 7 hours, and weren't finished to my liking. Sadly, since these were done a full 11 hours before I planned to take them off, I won't be able to use them for the picnic. No problem, as my friend and I will just grab some meat from a local BBQ restaurant.
Here's my theory on what happened. I have the 3 shelf accessory for my SM025 and used the bottom and top shelves for the shoulders. Since I did minimal trimming on the shoulders, the top one reduced airflow from the top exhaust opening. This lead to a braising effect on both shoulders, due to the moisture inside.
I'm curious if anyone has ran into a situation like this?
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