I was getting a little fed up with recipes that said to set the cookshack dial at 200-225 ... or anywhere around there. There was next to no way of knowing how to time anything (the Cookshack recipes lie) in order to plan a meal within a decent time frame.The saying, "It's done, when it's done" is fine, but I'd like to know when to put it in and take it out -- at least within an or so one way or the other -- not having to tell guests that it will maybe be another 4-6 hours (or more) before dinner! Last weekend I put a 6lb (approx) seasoned pork pinic shoulder in my model 50 and cranked it up as far as the knob would turn. Nine hours later (a very realistic time frame) it was reading 190 to 197 (measured in different locations in the meat with a Temprite thermometer). I used one Kingsford charcoal briquette and about 3/4 oz. of hickory. The meat was the best ever cooked in my smoker and it was the fastest time, too. There was a nice smoke-ring, a lightly crisp bark as well as the most moist, tender white meat I've ever had from this unit! Why can't the factory tell everyone this in the beginning ... could it be because there are no decent tolerances in the thermostata/heat elements? Whatever it is, I say crank it up and use a good thermometer if you really want to "git 'er done!
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