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Hi all,

I purchased my Smokette after sampling some delicious meals graciously prepared by fellow CS owners Shooter and CigarNV.

In the first week, I've cooked....

1. Brisket- twice
2. Skirt steak (when I learned that too much wood is a very, very bad thing!)
3. Pork tenderloin, finished on the grill
4. Pork chops, finished on the grill
5. Pork of the tastiest meals I've had, and blows famed restaurants away. I used Lexington, NC vinegar sauce.

What next?

My wife loves it because she doesn't have to worry about what's for dinner! And I love it because it's incredibly easy, foolproof, and offers delicious meals that are easy to prepare. Good work, Cookshack!
Greetings all! My name is Rene and I am a transplanted Texan living here in north Louisiana. I have had my model 50 for about a month now and love it! As Boss Hogg said, it is foolproof and with the information shared by the great folks here on the forum, you can't lose. The brisket, pork butt and ribs that I have smoked so far were outstanding and I am now the holiday (and everyday) meat cook for my family! Some of my coworkers are now considering investing in a CS as well.

Thanks to the great folks here on the forum who so graciously share their knowledge and expertise.
Alright, im new to the forums but i had a couple of questions about my FEC100 with the IQ controller... Basically, when im trying to set a temp of say 180* it automatically is going to 270-280*... Have been refered to just open the door till it calms down but should i really have to baby this $3,000 dollar machine all night? Any suggestions?
Hello all. I'm Matt from Bayside, Wisconsin. Bayside's a suburb of Milwaukee. I've taken the path to Cookshack similar to others. That is, working up from a ECB to a water smoker to a propane unit, then a Bradley and now an AQ.

I wasn't all that unhappy with the Bradley, I just wasn't aware of the Cookshack products until after I had bought it. After learning about CS, I knew there was a better way, and I bought my AQ. I'm in hog heaven with it. The biggest improvement (in my mind) over the Bradley is in the cleanup. The AQ is a dream!

Love the CS forums. A wealth of info and everyone is respectful. I'm having a ball.

Hi, I'm Bob from Missouri (You never would have guessed it from my handle would you?) I'm just an old Missouri hillbilly. Semi retired after selling my Air Duct cleaning and Chimney Service a year and a half ago. All I do now is keep my rental houses up.

Been smoking on a homade smoker for several years now, Decided to try a Smokette, it's on the road to here now. I'm sure I'll have lots of questions. Great forum!!
Nice to see all the new users here. "Welcome to the Forum!" Big Grin

One note: This is not the place to post questions - not that you can't post em, just that they probably won't get noticed. Go back to the main page of the forum and post in the appropriate place. Much higher visibility there!

Good luck to you all & have fun! Big Grin
Hello, new to this forum was turned on to cookshack from a co-worker who has one. Had some family that lived in Kansas City for a few years and everytime we visited we would go to a different Q restaurant. That was really my first experience to it other than the popular chain restaurant. I really didn't have an appreciation for it until a saw a program on the Discovery Channel about it. I always thought that BBQ was just another name for grilling. Boy was I wrong. Anyway, my wife is an excellent cook and we enjoy good home cooked meals. So we are going to be purchasing a smokette in the next couple months and will be visiting this forum frequently for guidance. I just bought one of those Brookstone cordless thermometers to use with the smoker, kind of like getting the chicken before the egg. Forgot to mention we live in Iowa, I'm in law enforcement and the wife is a nurse, BSN. Can't believe all the great information on this forum and looking forward to joining the Cookshack family.
Tony here from New Jersey, about 30 miles from Philly. Been grilling for years. Got a Chargriller w/SFB as a gift from my wife last Father's Day, and I've been smoking ever since.
Was looking for a smoker that didn't take up a lot of my time nursing the temps and also a smoker that I could use in the cold months and during those windy days. Thought about getting a gas smoker, but the propane expense caused me to think about something else. Thought about the WSM, which is good. But again, still had to be concerned with the wind or other slight modifications for problem-free smokes. Then someone mentioned on another BBQ forum, the Cookshack smokers. So I came here and read quite a few posts and asked a few questions. I've mostly been lurking over on the Cookshack Owners Forum.
Well after a few days of thinking it over, I bought the SM50. I was going to get the Smokette, but thought I'd need a larger size, even though I don't BBQ for many folks most times. But still having the larger smoker negates me having to worry whether I have enough space in my smoker. And I'll always have my Chargriller on stand-by if needed. I received and seasoned my SM50 yesterday, and I'll be buying a butt of some sort today. So, sometime this weekend I'll have my first completed smoked product from my CS, and I really hope that I'll be satisfied with my purchase.
Hi All! My name is Bill and I'm a retired air traffic controller living with my wife Barb in Fountain Hills, Arizona. (Phoenix) I watched my Dad grill everything from burgers to Thanksgiving turkeys on his charcoal Weber so naturally, 40 years ago, I got mine. Turned out some great meals along with a few meteorites, but could never get that "low 'n slow" with some smoke. A restaurant friend told me about Cookshack and here I am!! Bought a Smokette last week and I'm doing my first pork butt as I write. Thanks to all the forum members for sharing their ideas, experiences, recipes, accidents. It's part of what makes Q'in' fun!
Good Day to all, just got off the horn with Cabela's ordering my smokette. Will for sure post w/pic's in a few days. Been lurking for a few, soaking up all this good info. Plan to smoke everthing but the hair off my pigs. Cud not make up my mind for awhile 50 vs 08, just a family of 4. Thanks to all!!!
I got my 008 last week. Cooked a brisket and then a pork butt over the weekend. Screwed up on both. The long extension cord I used must have reduced the internal temp., or the Polder thermometer malfunctioned because it took 24 hrs. to reach 190 on the 8# Pork Butt. It fell apart as I removed it from the CS but turned out to be incredible chopped barbecue. The brisket was also good. My wife loved both. So now she's not as mad with me for the purchase. Smiler
Hello everybody. My name is David. I bought my Smokette a couple weeks ago and have been a smoking fool ever since.

I've been really wanting one of these ever since a coworker of mine bought a Smokin' Tex and told me about this site. Finally the wife was tired of me looking for bargains and decided that we should just make the drive up from Joplin, MO to KC to the Cabelas and pick up one. Got a great deal on it as they had a $60 off for signing up for their credit card (will cancel after paying the first bill).

Thus far I've smoked a small brisket (tough as a boot because it didn't have any fat), a turkey (great), ribs (best I've ever made), and now I have a pork butt up to 178 degrees as I type this. I also picked up a nice full brisket at SAMS today so that will probably be tomorrow. What a great hobby. The wife loves it, I love it and the neighbors are jealous. What could be better?
HI All my name is Ray you can call me Swede since I am 1/2 Swede. My username is Swede44mag because I hunt with a DW 44Mag pistol.

I don't care to cook in the house but if I can cook it outside I love to. My kids thought when we were camping that it was funny watching dad cook sausage over a grill with a few rocks to prop it up and some charcoal for heat, but they found out it was real good I used the same method for fish only used some tinfoil on the grill with a few slits cut to let the grease drip out.

I have tried a couple of water cookers one charcoal and one electric. Not being insulated I couldn't keep the heat up but not to worry I used several big pieces of cardboard to keep the wind off but I thought there still had to be a better way. So I bought a wood smoker with a firebox attached to the end it worked great for steak and hamburger but to do an indirect heat and use the firebox for smoking just didn't work to well.

One of my friends bought an electric smoker with a motor that feeds in little biscuit size pieces of compressed wood. He likes his smoker but I don't want to be dependent on little compressed biscuits to be able to smoke. Then I came across another brand like your CookShack at our local sporting good store. I was going to buy one but they were all out and didn't know when they would have them back in stock. I was looking on the internet at one of the web sites that sells sporting goods and they have a CookShack Smokette II Item: QW-516030 listed I don't know if it is the same as a SM009 but it looks the same. If I can only talk the wife into letting me buy one I will be set. I have learned several tips on your forum and look forward to learning more. Christmas is not that far away maybe miss Santa (the wife) will buy me a CookShack.
Good Day to all, Been lurking and reading for a few weeks. Retired U.S. NAVY Sr.Chief from S.E. N.C. Decided to stay in Jax, Fl after retiring. Love to cookout, Love dogs (especially AM Bull Dogs)Purchased a smokette 008.

In the first 3weeks, I've cooked....

1. Pork Butt x 4
2. Pork ribs x 3
3. Beef short ribs
4. Pastrami x 2 (Thanks to Mainely Dave's site and receipe.
5. Beef Chuck roast.
6. Pork Fatties reg and 1 maple.
7. Meat Loaf.

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