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Wait a second.
Remember the "Rules Committee Meeting" is a town hall type of meeting where all of the membership is asked to come and make recommendations to the Board. The actions are only recomendations.

As to the Pellet cooker issue there were three "voting" Board Members present. None of the three compete on a Pellet Cooker. The vote of the Board members present was 1 to ban and 2 were opposed. (Not scientific but an indication.) Don't jump off the ship as of yet.

Now as to other issues, we do need your voices to be heard by the Board. A Board is not responsive for two reasons, they did not hear the message, or they did not feel the pressure. Remember every Board Members e-mail is available to you. You should be heard.


E-mails of the Board
Tony Stone
Ed Roith
Wayne Lowman
Rod Gray
Troy Black
Don Harwell
Phil Hopkins
Mike Lake
Donna McClure
Jim Minion
Bunny Tuttle
Merl Whitebook
There are number of items being looked into on the judging front, they were not ready for a vote at that meeting, but not willing to look into judging is an assumption on your part.

These town meetings give the Board a way to find out what the members think but as far the number of KCBS members that show up for these meetings is so small they don't or can't reflect membership.

The question becomes where were the cooks that use pellet cookers at this meeting? the vote was 30 to 8 as I understand it, is this a mandate from the membership? I think not.

Originally posted by Fast Eddy:
There were some folks there that wanted to outlaw these micro stick burners. They want the board to vote this in. What do you all think? If this happens , do we want to start something else?

The micro stick burners are welcome to cook in Florida...

Originally posted by jminion:
These town meetings give the Board a way to find out what the members think but as far the number of KCBS members that show up for these meetings is so small they don't or can't reflect membership.


Thanks Jim, you always keep me straight.

Too bad the board didn't decide to have a town meeting on Judging or get Merl a 2nd on his suggestions about a "fact finding" into the Judging issue. Oops, guess there is not an issue then.

Big Grin

Thanks Jim!
You're always listening, that why I voted for you.

Okay, so because we don't have an answer, we shouldn't investigate? If the board sees it as a problem (do they?) then it's worth examining the new scoring system and seeing if it needs tweaking. Not a commitment to change, but worth looking into it. Heck, ask the members for input.

I think, having cooked for a judge class, that KCBS in those classes spends too much time trying to teach a judge what the violations are. Between the reps, the Table Captains and experienced judges and contests already, I don't think you need to spend most of a class teaching them the bad.

What I would like to see is KCBS "define" what a 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 is. Give it a definitions that would allow for some variation but also some consistency.

Not the real definitions, but you get the point.

2 -- means spit it out and I don't want to eat it
3 -- I didn't want to spit it out, but it certainly was close
4 -- Kinda bad, definitely something wrong with it
5 -- Something made me think 5, so I better have a good reason instead of guessing it's a 5
6 -- Truly average, after eating this, I couldn't remember what I just ate
7 -- Made me think about it, something good in the taste
8 -- Well now, this was good, should I get it a 9 or not?
9 -- means it's so good you want to sell your boat to bring some home

The concern, having judges several times again this year, is that new or inexperienced or NON-KCBS judges haven't any idea what those numbers mean. I talk to them at each contest and non of them know how to answer that.

Basically, at the contest that day and in the class, HOW do we need to teach judges.

When I see a Jack Daniels Champ get a 3 and 4 and 4 9's for Brisket appearance and similar for taste, looks to me like two judges don't understand.

Now that we start at 6, it appears a lot of people go down FIRST not up.
There is no part of the KCBS scoring system or judge training program that is not being reviewed.

I remember very well before the way judge was changed that there was a lot of bitching when anyone recived a score below a 7. Now because of the way it was decided to go forward with starting a 6 we hear teams complaining about recieving 4s and 5s. What the new system has done is we don't see 8 180s in one category and that was the aim of changing the system, it worked.

I personelly like the idea of of putting value to the points, but that was decided before I got on the Board.

The chair of the judging committee will change with the new election. If you would like to see changes then when you vote base it on something other than I know that guy or he's a good guy. Find out the stance on the issues of the people you are voting for.

When the new chair takes over the Judging committee he will put together a group of people that includes 1 or 2 Board members and a number of non Board members. I would be happy to recommend that you put on that short list. I think you would be an asset to the group.

I see KCBS taking steps backwards based on who could be voted on the Board. Ask questions, get answers.

I'd like to know why there isn't a value or an explanation to what a # means on the judging cards????? It absublutely makes no sense not to have it on the cards. EVERYONE would then know if they give a 4 and it was represented by a word POOR. We would all know what was going through that judges mind. I firmly believe that this wasn't done because the ABA was doing it at the time of the change in the scoring system. I also feel that if you all are voting on these changes in the Dec meeting you now have the opritunity to make changes for the up coming season instead of waiting for another year and new board members. I'd understand if it was brought up and shot down ,but I haven't heard or seen anything about that.

I told Merl the same thing. Count me in as a member who will "volunteer" for any committees. Carolyn even knows me from my NBBQA board days, so I understand the board concept well enough.

For me, it isn't that it HAS to change, but that we should frequently examine how we're doing to see if we can improve.

That's why I'm practicing again this fall because I need to improve MY cooking Big Grin

Thanks Jim!
2 -- means spit it out and I don't want to eat it
3 -- I didn't want to spit it out, but it certainly was close
4 -- Kinda bad, definitely something wrong with it
5 -- Something made me think 5, so I better have a good reason instead of guessing it's a 5
6 -- Truly average, after eating this, I couldn't remember what I just ate
7 -- Made me think about it, something good in the taste
8 -- Well now, this was good, should I get it a 9 or not?
9 -- means it's so good you want to sell your boat to bring some home

This makes the most sense of anything I have heard so far. When I get 8 & 9's from all but one judge who gives a two, I want to know what he was thinking and what does a two represent to him.
Fine job "Okie"
I have spent hours talking with people over the very same problem with the numbering system. I agree with what you have stated and I think it needs to be worked on. I also think there is a big problem with rogue judges. We have 3 that I know of that admit they do not follow the KCBS guidelines and they have been judging for a while. With today's computing power KCBS should be able to see how each judge scored in relation to the rest of the judges on the table. Sure they may have an off day. But when they consistently score out of the average of everyone else we have a problem.

I don't want this to sound like campaigning, but please make sure you can get people to vote. There is a push to get some of the "old" ways back in and I am against that. If you ever have any questions on where I stand you can email me at mwelte at gmail dot com.

It seems the problem revolves around "old judge", "new judge". Some of the old judges brag about 7 8 9 and are unwilling to change. The new judge gives a score of 6, thinking he/she is doing the cook a favor, this is due to inexperience.
A way to overcome this is to explain to the judges the disparity in their scores and have them all go back through school.
The school should be monitered by a board member to insure things like, "If the brisket is cut thick it's overdone", "If it's cut thin, it's under done." This was stated in a class this summer.
I try not to complain about the judging because it is what it is and if you want to play, get over it.
Sometimes that is hard after spending $1000, driving 500 miles to get there, and cooking well.
I agree, if an instructor is is teaching that if brisket is pulled or chopped it means under or over done then that instructor is out of touch with the rules. If sliced, chopped or pulled is a legal turn-in don't teach that unless it's sliced there is something wrong.

Making the judges go back through the class is an option we are looking at.

If you have judges that state publicly they don't follow the guidelines, I feel they should not be judging, period, don't need them!

I personely feel the Master Judge program is a problem, I have heard to many of them sit there and tell everyone at the table what good BBQ is and how to judge. In a lot of cases it has nothing to do what KCBS teaches.

Thank you all for your input.

First, about the town meetings, I attended one of them held in Shelby. There was no mention of the pellet issue at that meeting. Had there been both myself and Joe Amore would have most assuredly spoke up. If you are refering to the committie meeting, had I known it was an issue I would have responded by e-mail as travel to that was not an option. As for judges, judges will aways be an issue because they are human and have different taste. I go to every contest knowing I have to cook a good product and once it hits the table it is up to luck of the draw. But the drastic disparity in numbers should be chalenged at that time by the table captain or contest rep. A two or three in apperance compaired to 8's and 9's is a problem with preseption on the part of that judge and should be addressed then not on this forum. It's to late then and the judge may not think there was a problem with his score.
Jim, you know I have issues with the boards lack of investigation skills lack of ability to address problems and I think you know the board has problems. Someone on the board has to step up large with issues like this and not just give to the ones he thinks might know more. You might be supprised what they know or don't know.

The FBA, when it looked at the good parts of other sanctioning bodies to borrow from,also added the 1/2 point increments-to stop the ties,and puts a printed sheet on each judging table, giving a definition of each number value.

The old members were KCBS/MIM members that wrote these rules.

Maybe we could borrow something from the FBA?

Just a thought.
I feel that an even bigger issue than what a give score means is the fact that the system is not setup to be comparison judging, but, in my limited experience, a majority of judges are doing comparision judging. As long as this happens the definition of a given number is irrelevent. There is nothing wrong with comparison judging if the system is setup for it, but under the KCBS system it causes much of the distortion in the scoring that everyone complains about.

If they try to send all judges back through the judging class,what would be the lag time?

Would it be a short course given through the internet,a full old style course given by KCBS at occasional sites?

What would be the cost ,and the verification process.

Would all judges do it,or just those that the board thought took the course from poor KCBS trainers?

Would BOD members monitor the trainers and select the competent ones?

Who selects the BOD members that are competent to judge the trainers?

Would it be only for old judges,or new inexperienced judges?

What would be the subjective number of years,or contests that decide the line?

Just a couple of thoughts from a regular cook and occasional judge,the judges have been fair with us over the last couple of "new" years-with a couple of abberations,which the system tossed out the weird scores.

Tom Lowe
Master judge,Certified Table Capt,KCBS/MIM/FBA
Comp cook
I got ahold of my old partner and he had one. They are as fowllows
9 Perfect
8 Excellent
7 Very Good
6 Good
5 Average
4 Below Average
3 Poor
2 Inedible
1 Disqualification

I felt like these worked pretty well. I'm sure there maybe better. I just think there needs to be something thats in everyones mind that gets us all on the same page with these numbers.
Originally posted by Rodney:

Do you still have one of those ABA score cards laying around? If so, please post the one word descriptions that were next to each number. I thought they were a great idea and probably very effective.

Would it be better to just scrap the 9 point scoring method? That way the old school judges won't be having to make adjustments? I think as long as you keep a 9 point scoring, there will always be confusion amongst the judging ranks. Do something like a 5 point system and have fractions? (just an example).
You know sometimes the issues really don't hit you until it happens to you. This happened to us in Plant City a couple of weeks ago. We had all 9's on appearance, and 8-9's then one judge gave us a 9-2-2. Now I know that we had a great product(to us), but the 2's come on now. When we asked to see the comments on the card. There were no comments written. I think we need to keep track of these kind of judges and either retrain them or ask them not to come back.

I know we all have diff tastes, but we all spend allot of time and money to do this hobby and if we have judging like this we will not be able to continue to play. I like Eddy's idea of adding the value next to the numbers and also make the judge's write something on the back to explain why gave what they gave. I know this would ease our minds a little.

Did Steven Pull the cards to Make sure this wasn't a type O??? I doubt it was because he's really good a rechecking scores but I thought i'd ask.
Originally posted by FireHouseBBQ:
You know sometimes the issues really don't hit you until it happens to you. This happened to us in Plant City a couple of weeks ago. We had all 9's on appearance, and 8-9's then one judge gave us a 9-2-2. Now I know that we had a great product(to us), but the 2's come on now. When we asked to see the comments on the card. There were no comments written. I think we need to keep track of these kind of judges and either retrain them or ask them not to come back.

I know we all have diff tastes, but we all spend allot of time and money to do this hobby and if we have judging like this we will not be able to continue to play. I like Eddy's idea of adding the value next to the numbers and also make the judge's write something on the back to explain why gave what they gave. I know this would ease our minds a little.

Eddy brings us a good point. 2's look close to 8's and a little grease or sause on the card. That is why I said judges need to be confronted at that time when a score is that far out. And required to write something stating why the low number. Those cards are still in a box somewhere, it would be interesting to know if it is a true 2 or a smeared 8. Or maybe a hanging chad since the contest was in Florida!

Eddy, He said the we went to look at the card and it was the write score. Steven said the the judge thought that the chicken was red and not done and refused to eat it. So who know what the judge saw. I trust Steven 100%. I would just like to comments written so we know why the low score's. Eddy give me a call when you get a chance. I need to get a number from you.

IN a perfect world the following should have occurred.
1. The judge would have listened to the CD instructions, whereby he would be told how to test for if the chicken was done.
2. The Rep would have been called over and performed the cook test using a white paper towel or napkin to determine if the juices were clear, if so cooked, if red not cooked, red is the product of smoking and hormones.
3. If clear, the judge would be replaced and the product would be judged.
4. The Judge would be reported to KCBS.
But then again this is not a perfect world.
Good to see democracy in action. Two of the board members from KCBS, who've posted in this thread, are on a committee:

from :
12/11/2006 - Committee Formed To Develop and Test New Judging Slips

At the recent December Board of Directors meeting and retreat a committee was formed, chaired by Jim Minion, to develop a new scoring system. Minion, Troy Black, and Merl Whitebook proposed to the Board that we develop and test a revision to the judging slips which would include definitions to be associated with each numerical score. The new judging slips will be developed by the board level committee, which includes Minion, Black and Whitebook, and will be tested extensively at various contests across the country. After a comprehensive evaluation is concluded, a recommendation will be made to the Board as to whether or not change our current judging slips. The committee will also study other possible solutions, improvements, and training needed to bring us closer to a goal of consistent scoring at our contests.
Thank you Cookshack for sponsoring the discussion regarding judging slips and judging inconsistency.

I can personally tell you that this forum brought the issue before the board and helped the passage of the resolution establishing this committee and test.

Thank you.
Merl Whitebook
KCBS Member of the Board
of Directors

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