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I just got my CS150 and did first round of smoking. Got uneven cooked briskets when finished. I suspect I did not have them in correct.

What is the best method to start using the CS with Briskets.

Here are my questions.

1. How many should I be cooking at a time? They are Packers weiging about 15 pounds.

2. What should I be looking for to adjust the time of cooking?

3. Anyother information you might think I need to know.


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Need more details.

What do you mean by uneven cooked briskets? What temp did you set the smoker on? I don't use the preloaded buttons -- ever. Were they all the exact same weight? How did you load them? Fat up or Fat down. Whatever specifics you can provide will help me help a little better.

I've had 150's for years.

Put them on like this (3)

1 on top, fat up
1 on shelf below that fat up
1 on 3rd shelf, fat down.

I avoid the bottom shelf, it's hottest.
If they went in untrimmed,even CAB packers should have taken longer than that.

We find that trimmed choice packers take us right at 1hr/lb.

The point may still be undercooked for your liking,but it can be chopped-or put back in the cooker for a couple of hrs.

Like Smokin',I don't bother with the preset buttons-although a lot of fine restaurant cooks do.

We don't foil in the CS,as it is a moist cooker.

If you are checking the internal temp in the flat,it should usually be 190�+.

If you'll foil and let rest in a warm cooler for an hr,it helps.
You probably have it about figured,now.

I usually try to at least stay offset from the top of the firebox,on the bottom shelf for long cooks.

You asked about number of briskets to cook.

If shaped right,you may get two on each shelf.

The cooker actually is more stable and even when cooking larger loads.

I go with the largest packer down there,when I use the bottom,and rotate sometime during the cook.

You might consider setting at 180� for a few hrs,boost to 200� a few,and go to 225�+,if you don't use the presets.

Just a couple of thoughts.
I had the same results with the last three briskets I did.

However, when I parceled out the bark from the bottom one into the portions of the others that I chopped, it made for some might good eating. My friends from South of the Mason-Dixon line said that's the way they like it.

Pulled two briskets out of the 150 about an hour ago. Briskets cooked for 11.5 hours turned them at 6 hours at 180 raised the temp to 190 at that time and at 8 hours went to 200 and at 10 to 210.

Put them on a sheet pan for 30 minutes and started to wrap them for the frig. Had to try a sample so Mara cut off a piece of each brisket and it was like we said in Arkansas growing up "Just like dying and going to heaven"

Thanks guys for your help.

Tomorrow we are trying Pulled Pork


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