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We'll I am off into the world of true BBQ. For years, i've been told that grilling is BBQ and after some tips from a southern friend, i've learned it isn't true. Smiler Most of us in the midwest don't know any better.... i am trying to change that though.

Got my CS 008 yesterday. Seasoned it with some femur bones for the dogs. Today I tossed in 2- 3 lb beef brisket's.

I am a total noob though, and will probably ask a lot of questions. Don't worry though, I know forums and understand the concept of search. If I ask something that's been answered, just slap me. Big Grin

I've got the cart, the cover, and a maverick ET-73 therm. on order. Cannot wait to get those. So far my only issue is with the temp stalling but i've read the posts and "get it". When the remote maverick gets here, I won't have to worry so much.

I've learned already that it's done when it's done. We're making the kids a quick pizza now because I don't want to keep them waiting all night.

I look forward to hanging around this place and chatting with you call. Wish me luck!

Chris from Wentzville, MO
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Well, Mr Noob.. we were all noob's at one time or another.. and a lot (most) of us have asked a lot of questions.

Don't be afraid to do that.. and most of all.. Do Not neglect the use of the SEARCH tool here on the forum.. there is one TON of great info from others asking the questions you are likely to ask. If ya can't bring yourself to use the search or can't find what you are looking for.. there are many of us here that would love to point you in the right direction.

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