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Hi everyone, I am cooking my first pork butt this weekend. It is just a little guy just to try it out.(about8lbs) I read pork butt 101 for some help but I still need your imput. Can anyone tell me what temp should I start at. I usually start my pork roast at about 246 degrees.Is that, in your opinion too high for a pork butt?? I usually rub down my pork roast then cover my roast with mustard to keep it moist. This works really well and you do not taste the mustard(thanks okie for that tip). Could I do the same with my Pork Butt and get the same result. I am going to use one of okies mops for this often should I baste this bad boy?? I am not worried about the internal temp.. that will, as always, take care of itself..and I have the entire day to cook this baby.There is no snow on the ground but the temp will be around 7 degrees as a high..I am very confident that my FEC100 will not even feel the chill. Rob
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I do my butts right around there 250 or so

Basting is a personal option. Once and hour?

I don't use the mustard, as I put the rub on, let it sit 15 min and it creates enough moisture to stick but yes, if it works for your roast, it will work fine for your butts.

I also inject my butts.

Plan on an hour per pd.
Thank-you Fast Eddie and Smokin'Okie,,I have another question or two for you guys.Okie when you say that I should expect 1hr per lb cook time do you mean average weight or total weight. I ask this because I am cooking two butts which in total weight is about 16lbs..They both are 8lbs. Which means about 16hrs or so in the cooker.I know that the internal temp will tell the story..and as you say "they are done when their done." The next question is around basting..should I let the butts cook for a few hrs before opening the door to begin basting?I know that I will lose heat..Losing heat is part of the game and I can live with that. However..due to the low temp that I will be using would it be more productive if I waited a little bit longer so that the butt will be hot instead of warm to baste?? Or should I just go for it every hr from the first hr.Last question fat side down and no need to turn right??Rob
I do know this, if you do open the door, any temps that you lose, will come right back up in minutes, it's not that big of a deal. if you cook on the bottom racks, you could just spray though the vent!, I have never basted, I just let it go overnight and never felt inclined to get up at nite to do anything to it.

I really never had a bad butt on a fec,,,, I did find out sticking the butt in a half pan that it will be very tender, just drain out the liquid(I just throw it away).
Like folks said,basting is a personal option.

Cookers that flow great volumes of air,may dry butts,unlike the FEC that has plenty of internal moisture.

Some may like to add a flavor profile.

Smokin'usually says try one each way and see what you like.

I'd say after you do that,you'll probably skip the mopping.

Like Smokin' says mustard just creates an unnecessary mess.

The rub and butt will create lots of moisture.
I'm not FE or SO, but on my butts, I leave them in the cooker (and don't even peek) for a good 3-4 hours. This will set the rub for bark, let smoke penetrate and start the fat rendering out. At 4 hours, you're pretty close to the 140 degree mark and the butt's absorbed smoke flavor. I don't baste, but I spray with a concoction of apple juice and other tasty liquids, about once every hour and a half after that. I'm of two minds on mustard...I don't use it in competition, but the best butt I ever tasted was a tiny one rubbed in mustard, then seasoned. I'd wrapped it up with plastic wrap and forgot it in the meat drawer for 3-4 days.

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