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Hi everyone..I have had some sucess with my pork rib roast as of late. They have been turning out very well. Some of my customers have asked if I could do some pork rib chops for them. I picked up about 14lbs of pork rib chops to experiment with. They are about 1.25 inches thick. There is about 16 pork chops. My question to you guys is..should I cook these chops like I do my roast..246degrees for 5hrs with my usual seasoning..or should I consider that these chops are separate and not one just piece. My confusion stems around that I am using the same cut of pork only now it is in chop form instead of a roast. What should the time be??I am comfortable with the temp time at this point..but I am open to your wisdom..Rob
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Let's see if I'm reading this correctly. Are you asking if the time is the same for a pork rib roast that has been cut into chops as compared to one that is whole?

If so, then there will be a pretty big difference in the time cooked. The chops will be done MUCH earlier than the roast due to more surface area exposed to the heat. As Freddy said I would take them off when they get over 142.

Also, when I'm smoking chops I tend to lean towards brining them. If you're interested check out smokin's "brining 101" page.
Like crony says,Smokin's brine will make a world of difference in single,or double cut chops.

America's Test Kitchen did test cooking on brining chops and found it to be one of their most remarkable tests.

Today's market hogs are bred so lean,that the pumping/injecting done by the packing house is almost necessary for the home cook to turn out a decent product

Yes,I'm one that usually complains about paying meat prices for salt water.
Talk about lean pork. Every once in awhile we buy Berkshire pork. It is expensive (2 butts $87.00 and 4 racks of spare ribs $88.00 for the last order), but the flavor and juiciness is something else. We eat the butts and ribs just the way they come out of the smoker. No sauces or spices, just plain great tasting pork. Duroc pork is also very tasty and very well marbled.

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