I've tried 2 staging meat in the FEC using manual settings but never using presets. Thursday night I loaded up 6 pork butts and returned Friday morning to find issues simular to Grux's...13 hrs later the butts (8# average) were temping 147-149.
What I did--
Turn on master
Set cook temp for 180
Set cook time for 8 hrs
Set Mode from COOK to HOLD
Set hold temp to 240
According to Fast Eddy, the butts should have finished up around the 13 hr mark. Upon my return the following morning, the cabinet temp wasn't 240 by any means (forgot to check the temp read-out...was in panic mode) There were some burning red pellets in the firepot but very few.
I'm guessing one of two things happened:
1. After 8 hrs at 180 the smoker dropped to 140 hold.
2. The temp never moved off the 180 mark.
I gave Bill a shout at Cookshack and he confirmed my presets to be correct. Any guesses what went wrong?
I did get the butts finished but they took 18 hrs start to finish
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