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Fall is here in NC. The temps are dropping, the leaves are turning, and everything just seems to be right with the world now that the heat of the summer has broken. As I was smoking up a bunch of meat yesterday for a church BBQ, my mind turned to thoughts of building a still.

I don't care so much for the drinking, but it seems like boiling up a batch of hooch while you're waiting for the meat to come off the smoker would be a worth while endeavor. Suggestions for what type might go best with smoked chicken and pork.
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Originally posted by Todd G.:
I don't know where you guys come from, but where I come from they don't boil wine. I was thinking more in terms of different types of distilled spirits I could make in my still. I don't know what would go well with Q.
In case it matters.. from experience... soon after the first bit of homemade NC 'distilled spirits' I don't ever recall being too picky about what went well with what.
Does your homeowners assn allow stills?

Reminds me of a book written by and ATF agent from NC in the 50s and 60s called "Damn the Allegators".

Some quotes from the cover:

"So crime doesn't pay? I have known moonshiners who made millions!"
"We fought fire with fire and some of our antics would land us in jail today -- We pulled off the gloves to get the job done"

Plus some other quotes that aren't family friendly.

After the still is built you will need a tricked out car for transportation. Next thing you will be wanting to enter a NASCAR race...
I don't know where you guys come from, but where I come from they don't boil wine. I was thinking more in terms of different types of distilled spirits I could make in my still. I don't know what would go well with Q.

Actually, they to boil wine. Brandy is distilled from wine and that involves boiling. So, maybe you could make Courvosier. Niiiiice.
Actually, I can understand why this might sound like a joke, but we were discussing building the still out behind the church I attend. The church is looking to start a community garden on 18 acres of land they own, and I suggested we do a fall festival next year featuring BBQ, fresh veggies, and a still. We can produce it legally, but I'll have to check on the legality of giving away samples.

This idea was mine, but came about from a cook book I strongly recommend, "Smokehouse Ham, Spoon Bread, & Scuppernong Wine: The Folklore and Art of Southern Appalachian Cooking". Excellent book! Great reading.

Originally posted by Todd G.:..We can produce it legally, but I'll have to check on the legality of giving away samples.
Legal? huh. Is there a production limit and personal use restriction?

Anyway, the best thing I ever had distilled would be grapes at a distillery in Napa. RMS rum! It was quite a production tho with years of aging.

Second would be premium 'shine' that is put up in jars with whole peeled fresh "Indian" peaches(small, late mountain crop). Still very potent, but wow.. tasty.

Scuppernong wine idea sounds great but not sure if that's from a still?
I've got a friend who works for ALE(Alcohol Liquor Enforcement) and she said that she wasn't sure what the current limit is, but that it has gone up from 200 gallon annual limit we used to have. More people are making it now to burn in their cars.

One of the recipes in the book was for "cherry bounce" which sounds like your peach drink but with sour cherries. If we build this thing, you'll need to get a driver to bring you over to Raleigh for a taste or two. Cool

If they plant any grapes in the garden, we might be able to make some grappa. Italian moonshine.

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