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What SmokinOkie said will work fine, but you can also marinate overnight with Achiote paste froma Mexican store and then smoke in a pan to save juices. That will give you the flavor you're looking for. The banana leaves are cheap BTW, and smell great.

Pictures here:
Pork Pibil Pictures

See this recipe from me for details (unless you've blocked me due to excessive sarcasm, in which case no PORK PIBIL FOR YOU! Big Grin :
Pork Pibil Recipe
Sounds like we need a lot more questions answered,about use.

Pulled pork ,this is the place to be.

The relationship between bbq pulled pork,and mole is close to the relationship between southern sausage gravy,and smoked salmon.

Yep,I enjoy both.

Mole,you don't need to smoke chicken,or even pork chops.

Dona Maria mole,can be purchased at many supermarkets, in the jar and could be the best,and you can just add it to cooked pork/chicken.

Mole is usually complex,and uses a bland chicken/pork as a foil.

A CS isn't usually part of the discussion.

Let us know,if there is a specific question,outside this.
I've tried smoked PP with tamales, and the taste did not seem right. I used a red chile sauce to soak the PP prior to tamale processing. Perhaps I used a little too much smoke/wood - 2 ozs each of hickory and mesquite. It may just be a taste thing for me.

I had tentatively planned on using a CS smoker to cook the tamale filling for a commercial venture, but now I'm not so sure. It may just be a matter of toning down the smoke until I get something close to what I want.
Yep,run some north Tx/east Ok mesquite on some 16 lb shoulders,about 200º cooker temp for 24 hrs.

I never would have thought about using a mole sauce on anything as fine as pulled pork,but down in Todd's neck o' the woods, they use a fine contraption from Hobart ,called a buffalo chopper, to make it fine.

If you are doing volume,you could even leave the bones and rind in that rascal,set on fine.

If you were making tamales,the pork will be plenty fine.

Coat it heavy with some fine black mole,using retired Thai game hen stock ,instead of the traditional stewing chicken stock.

Instead of toasted pumpkin seeds as garnish, try Thai bird peppers, sprinkled liberally over all-like parsley.

Now the folks that really loved it,and want some to take home ,will be your friend for life.
You all must be thinking round tamales, Louisiana style. Around her you see the flat tamales with pretty coarse pulled or chunky meat, be it beef, chicken, or pork. Or who knows what else.

And Tom's right, if you had a buffalo chopper, you could knock out a few thousand a day easy. Should feed a growing family without a problem.

And it can turn 50# of cabbage into slaw in about 3 minutes flat, or a full bakers rack of bread into breading faster than you can take it out of the wrapper.But if you're going to use it on meat, you better have a pile you need chopping. Feed it four shoulders and turn your back and you'll have pork paste.

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